Definition of Road Safety Education
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
It is understood by education road to that type of education that is based on teaching of habits and practices that have as a final good the protection and care of individuals who travel on public roads.
Teaching of healthy habits in the circulation on public roads and that aims to avoid fatal accidents
At the request of road safety education, the rules that regulate the correct transit on the roads of a city, roads and routes are taught, and the responsible behavior to be developed by each of its main actors, motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, among others.
The primary objective is to order traffic and avoid the succession of accidents that claim fatalities.
Unfortunately, road accidents have been on the rise in most parts of the world as a result of a lack of education and responsibility in circulation.
Road safety education, for example, should be promoted and taught by governments through the supervision of driving courses, driving tests and awareness campaigns in the media of communication massive.
Promote the safety of all the actors who walk through the streets through accurate knowledge of infractions, signaling and safe tools
It covers several aspects such as driving cars, knowledge of road signs, elements and devices used to protect life, knowledge of the infractions that can be committed and the penalties provided for them, and what is prohibited to do while driving on public roads, among others issues.
Road safety education has a theoretical heritage developed from the accidents and accidents that happen on the streets every day
This theory is mainly related to the coexistence of the different vehicles, their handling in the presence of specific phenomena and the primary care of the well-being of the passerby.
The main objective of road safety education is to organize and order not only vehicular traffic, but also to provide the necessary tools so that deaths due to accidents involving vehicles decrease, thus ensuring the well-being of all the population. Some elements of road safety education can, however, change from country to country although the basis is the same.
It is based on theoretical knowledge that makes the handling of these vehicles, for example the way to act in certain situations or the rules to follow in specific cases (for example, wearing a seat belt from safety, respect the traffic lights, give way to pedestrians at crossings where there is a pedestrian path, etc.). These rules are generally established in an orderly and written manner so that there is no room for speculation or the individual decision of each individual.
At the same time, road safety education has practical tools that serve to add more information. This is when we talk about posters, signs and symbols that are arranged along the streets, highways or roads. transport and that involve certain information such as notices, prohibitions or warnings.
There are a wide variety of symbols and posters that are used in this type of education and most of them are made with bright colors such as red, yellow, blue.
On the other hand, knowledge of the elements that a driver has for his safety must be one of the basic contents of driver education. Among them, the seat belt is especially distinguished, that element present in all vehicles, both in the driver's seats and in the passenger seat.
The purpose of the belt is to restrict the movements of the vehicle occupants and in the event of a collision prevent them from being injured by hitting other objects inside the car, and prevent them from being thrown out of the car car.
Other items that are important for driver safety are head restraints, rear view mirrors and fire extinguishers.
And on the side of cyclists and motorcyclists, road safety education should emphasize the use of protective helmets.
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