Example of Paragraph Framing
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
The framing paragraph It is one in which the ideas are grouped in an orderly and logical way as if it were a type of scheme.
The framing paragraph order the ideas either with numbers, letters or some other symbol that facilitates the reader's understanding.
In the framing paragraph Sentences can occupy different lines, since what determines the length of a paragraph of this type is the central idea, so it does not end in the full stop, since it does so until the idea is concluded principal.
This is so because the information that is expressed in a framing paragraph It can also be given with sentences separated by a period and followed, since if all the complementary sentences support the same idea, none can be dispensed with.
Framing paragraph example:
Example 1
The elements that make up the concept of work are the following:
a.- Work is a condition of man's existence. The person can dedicate himself to the development of the profession, industry, trade, or any other activity that best suits him, as long as he is not impeded by judicial determination, the rights of third parties are not violated, a government resolution issued in terms of law is not violated or the rights of the society.
b.- The work aims to create satisfiers to meet needs. Faced with the imperative of looking for satisfiers in the pursuit of creating needs to take advantage of the apparent satisfiers, the man requires work, as the only means to sustain the economy and the necessary resources that civilization will generating.
c.- The work is subject to legal protection. This protection is granted according to the nature of the work and according to the character of the worker. Likewise, the dignity of the worker must be preserved, considered as a need to respect his person and provide the necessary means for the elevation of the cultural, social and material level, own and of the family.
Example 2
The phases for the termination of work according to Art. 47 of the Mexican labor law are the following:
- The employer will notify the worker on the date and the cause of termination in writing.
- If the worker refuses to receive the notice, the employer must make the notice known to the respective Board within 5 days of the termination.
- Failure to notify the worker or the board will be considered unjustified dismissal.
Example 3
How does the suspension of work relationships take effect?
art. 43. The suspension will take effect:
I.- In the cases of sections I and II of art. Previous, from the date on which the employer has knowledge of the contagious disease or of the incapacity for work, until the end of the period set by the Mexican Institute of Social Security or earlier if the incapacity for work disappears, without the Suspension may exceed the term established in the Social Security Law for the treatment of diseases that are not consequences of a risk of work;
II.- In the case of sections II and IV, from the moment the worker proves being detained at the disposal of the judicial or administrative authority, until the date on which the sentence that acquits him or the end of the arrest;
III.- In the cases of sections V and VI, from the date on which the services must be rendered or the positions are held, up to a period of six years; Y;
IV.- In the case of section VII, from the date the employer has knowledge of the fact, up to a period of two months.