Definition of Passive Worker
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2013
It exists in the field labor a concept that is that of 'employee passive 'and that has features own. While in many senses can be confused with a type of worker who does not have initiative own, who does not commit to his work or does not carry out action strategies, the reality is that the concept of passive worker is a concept administrative that is used to designate those people who are still in the workplace but who no longer perform tasks or actions in it determinants.
The passive worker may have been designated as such for various reasons. One of the main causes that transforms an active worker into a passive one is that which has to do with working conditions. Health, mainly lack of ability to perform certain tasks as well as the increasingly common work stress that causes a person to suffer anguish, depression, bodily alterations and that, for recommendation doctor, can not continue to lead your homework habitual. In other cases, the passive worker may have become such by way of retaliation from higher spaces or for having committed some fault that removes the option of continuing to work in his position but does not recognize him as a worker either fired. This last option is undoubtedly negative since it is a way that a company can have to avoid becoming charge of the dismissal of a worker at the same time that it places him in a space or in a condition denigrating.
It is important to note that in most cases the role of the passive worker is certainly denigrating since that it is a person who for some reason has been considered unfit to carry out their work usually. On the other hand, the activities that a passive worker can carry out are minimal and therefore the working hours become very tedious and lacking in creativity or challenges. At the same time, it is common that a passive worker does not have his own or permanent space, but must be located in the free spaces in a chaotic or disorderly way.
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