Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The word escape We use it frequently in our language and to refer to various questions.
One of the most common uses is to express that it has been managed to get out of the place where someone or one was locked up by x circumstance. Three prisoners managed to escape from the mayor's office where they were waiting to be transferred. I was able to escape the car before I fell into the river.
On the other hand, this word is also used to account for the hurried and clandestine departure from a place. The actors escaped through the back door without making statements to the press.
Also, when it is possible to free oneself from an issue that causes harm or pain it is expressed through this word. Luckily i was able to escape her mistreatment.
Another use is to indicate when something or someone was left out of the domain of another. I'm sorry, but your sister's case escapes me competence and I won't be able to help you this round.
In addition, when a liquid of any kind or a gas that has been deposited in a certain place suddenly comes out
it can be expressed in terms of escape. There was a gas leak in our building.On the other hand, when something happens unintentionally, that is, it arises spontaneously without being expected, we usually express it with this word, examples: a smile escaped him although he was very angry about what happened, he missed a flatus at the meeting.
Already instances of sport, more precisely from Athletics, it is usual that at the run that an athlete performs to overcome and overtake a rival and thus continue the race to get to the first goal, it is called as escape.
It should be noted that in specific situations, both animals and humans use the action of escape as a defense mechanism against threat of damage or danger, that is, they perceive an attack and then the immediate response will be to flee. The main mission of this behavior is to avoid an unpleasant situation. For example, an individual who has maintained a strong and violent discussion with another, he escapes from the place when he sees him arrive.
This term presents a variety of synonyms and among the most used we find: run away, elope, slip away.
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