Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
Latitude is distance What is there from a point of the land surface to the equator, counted by the degrees of its meridian. This is measured in degrees, between 0 ° and 90 ° and can be represented in two ways: indicating which hemisphere the coordinate belongs, or failing that adding values, positive when it comes to north and negative when it comes to from the south.
Then, the Geographical coordinates, latitude, longitude, are those that ultimately make possible the location from a place within the earth's surface. Parallels and meridians are imaginary or invisible lines that are drawn on the earth's surface in order to help and facilitate this location. From these arise the coordinates and the crossing points that are what allow us to locate that required place.
The parallel 0 ° is the Equator and by which latitude can be determined. If the point to be located is above the Equator, it will speak of North latitude and if it is below it, we will speak of South Latitude
.This location of coordinates turns out to be fundamental at the request of maritime navigation, especially, when the case of having to find lost ships or immersed in some kind of complication in high sea.
Meanwhile, the Equator is an imaginary line, non-existent, drawn perpendicular to the rotational axis of the earth that divides it into two equal parts, the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. On the other hand, the parallels are horizontal lines that are drawn in the same direction to the Equator and these, when they are assigned degrees in relation to their distance from the Equator, they will become coordinates of latitude.
What's more, latitude is a question that has a incidence direct in determining the climates of each area. Between Ecuador and the tropics the weather It is mostly warm and it gets colder as we move away from the Equator and closer to the North and South Poles.
On the other hand, at the request of the Astronomy, the latitude will be the distance, counted in degrees, that there is from the Ecliptic to any point considered in the celestial sphere towards one of the poles.
Also, it is designated with the term of latitude to the entire extension of a country or territory.
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