Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
It is called by the name of engineering that discipline that she deals with the study and application of the knowledge that results from this and the experience, in order to that through designs, techniques and problems the different problems that affect the humanity.
Engineering, basically, will require an accurate knowledge and management of mathematics, on the one hand, and of the natural Sciences, on the other hand, to develop economic forms that allow the use of certain materials and the forces of nature to the absolute benefit of the environment and humanity. But also, engineering goes a little further than this and then it will also use the knowledge scientists to put them at the service of the invention, improvement and use of any type of technology.
Although engineering is an absolutely human activity, which is why it should be practically accompanying man from its origins as such, in reality, his specific field of knowledge is closely linked to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Individuals who dedicate their professional lives to this task are known as engineers.
As we pointed out above when we discussed the purpose of engineering, the main function of an engineer will be to promote and develop technological solutions for those social, industrial and economic needs that arise in life.
For this reason, then, is that an engineer must first of all have a complete understanding of the obstacles that arise in this task, since in this way with the obstacles well identified is that he will be able to deduce the best solutions in this regard and thus find the object or system that best fits to give the best answers to the problems that are arouse. Meanwhile, mathematics, science and some programs of design Specific will be your best allies when it comes to this search, since they will allow you to make prototypes, scales, samples and simulations of how the result or final work would be and the advantage, of course, is that these allow modifications.
Given the size responsibility that the activity involves, any person involved in it must observe some ethical standards, such as not approving plans or designs that do not suppose a safe design, carry out periodic reviews from safetyCommitment when it comes to resolving an environment, one of the most important and which, if not observed, will surely have dire and direct consequences against the community.
Engineering encompasses a wide range of fields such as the sea (naval engineering, fisheries engineering), the land (agricultural engineering, agronomic engineering), the air and space (aeronautical engineering), administrative and design (systems engineering, commercial engineering), derived from physics and chemistry (agricultural engineering, nuclear engineering), derived from biological sciences and medicine (biological engineering, bionic engineering), agriculture and the environment (forestry engineering, engineering of food), by application object (automotive engineering, paper engineering) and computing (software engineering, connectivity and network engineering).
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