Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
You can start by defining the concept of an interview as a communicative act that is established between two or more people and that has a particular structure organized through the formulation of questions and answers. The interview is one of the most common forms and can be presented in different situations or areas of daily life.
The interview is always established between two or more people (although in most cases the presence of two is sufficient): someone who fulfills the role of interviewer or questioner and someone who fulfills the role of interviewee or the one who answers the questions questions. Unlike other forms of communication in which the interaction and the questions can be formulated by the various parts that make up the communicative act, in the interview the questions are always asked by one person and answered by the other. In this way, the dialogue it becomes dynamic but structured and formal.
Interviews are a common element in certain situations or circumstances of everyday life. Normally, the term interview is used when the different media turn to it to obtain information, testimonies and opinions from those who can provide them. These interviews conducted by the media may vary in their formality, in their duration, in the way of asking questions, in the fact of whether they are conducted live or not, etc.
Another type of common interview are those carried out in the field labor at the time of meeting a new individual who may occupy a certain position and who, therefore, must answer a series of questions in order to make their profile. Job interviews are in the vast majority of cases very formal and elements such as the appearance, the language, the sincerity, the speed and the attitude in general of the interviewee are fundamental when making the final decision.
Interview Topics