Definition of Adventure Tourism
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2016
Tourism as a social phenomenon is a relatively recent activity. At the beginning of the 19th century in Europe wealthy people began to frequent spas to rest for a few days. With the passage of time, beaches became fashionable, where it was possible to enjoy bathing and good weather. These activities were carried out by travelers, because at that time there was no talk of tourists.
Towards the 20th century, tourism (the term comes from the French tour, which means tour) became a mass social phenomenon, since the middle class he could already afford to pay a few days of vacation away from his place of origin and then return to his daily life.
Initially, the concept of tourism did not have labels, but with the passage of time the tourism sector developed and vacation modalities began to emerge. One of these modalities is precisely adventure tourism.
What is meant by adventure tourism?
Each person has a very personal idea about what an adventure is. For some, going to a nearby town is an adventure and others consider that the real adventure consists of visiting places far from the city.
civilization.Despite the subjectivity of the term, this tourist modality refers to activities such as the following: practicing risk sports when air free, visit exotic places at the margin of the traditional sun and beach circuits, hiking trails, diving and snorkeling, diving into parachute, take photo safaris, participate in archaeological projects or have experiences with a component spiritual. Adventure tourism can be done by land, by sea or by air.
The companies that manage this type of tourism must plan the activities carried out taking into account the risk factor, since certain practices (think skydiving or scuba diving) have to be carried out with the appropriate measures of safety. The tourist seeks emotions intense with a certain risk, but the risk has to be under control.
In general, adventure tourism is related to the physical activity and with the search for new emotions.
Who is adventure tourism aimed at?
This type of tourism is not designed for those who want to enjoy the sun and the beach, do some shopping and go to a disco at night.
The profile The adventure-seeking tourist is usually someone dynamic and restless, a person who habitually practices some sport in his daily life and that he likes to overcome personal challenges.
Photos: iStock - Imgorthand / swissmediavision
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