Definition of Plastic Arts
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Oct. 2008
Plastic arts are called the set of artistic expressions that are characterized by the use of moldable elements to express feelings. From this perspective, there are many disciplines that can be included in this area, but there are three that have historically been considered the most representative.
First of all we have the architecture, which refers to the task of erecting buildings respecting an aesthetic guideline. Today there are still remains of the most varied architectural forms that flourished in different civilizations of the past. The text oldest that is conserved on the matter is De Architectura, work of Marco Vitruvio PoliĆ³n, in century I a. C., which highlights the importance of three aspects to prosper in this discipline: utility, beauty and firmness.
Second, we have the painting, which is dedicated to expressiongraph through the use of pigments. According to the elements used, we can refer to different types of paintings: watercolor, which is a translucent painting; tempera, which is similar to watercolor but has an added talc that makes it opaque; tempera, which is an emulsion of egg, water and oil; acrylic, which is an acid; the pastel that uses colored bars, and finally the oil, which stands out for its pastiness. Consideration of the
texture that has the surface to be used.Finally, reference should be made to the sculpture, characterized by the use of volume and space; This includes carved, cast or modeled works. Among the elements that are used are wood, clay, stone (alabaster, granite, marble, sandstone, limestone), and iron.
The plastic arts have come a long way from the dawn of humanity to the present day; This significant amount of time caused its execution to undergo some conceptual changes related to the ultimate purpose of art, so the experience of a modern work is different from one originating in times past.
Subjects in Plastic Arts