Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
In general terms, an offer is one proposal what is done to give, execute or fulfill something. For example offers of type cultural, how to be a play, the new album by a popular group, a movie, among others.
But also the word offer has a special participation on the economic sphere, as well It is called the amount of goods or services that the producers of the same are willing to offer potential consumers of the same, at different prices and conditions in a given moment.
The offer will be determined by the following factors: the price of the product in the market, the costs of carrying out the production of that product, the size of the market to which that product is specifically targeted, the availability factors, the amount of competence presented to him and the quantity of goods produced.
The offer can be expressed graphically through the supply curve, the slope of which is the that tells us how an offer increases or decreases due to the increase or decrease in the price of the good or service in question.
According to the law of the supply in the face of an increase in the price of a good, the quantity supplied in respect of that good will be greater because the producers will have a greater incentive and as a consequence that the offer is directly proportional to the price of the product, the offer curves will almost always be growing.
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