Definition of tax obligation
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The concept that we will deal with below has a use and application excluding in the scope of tax law, what is that branch of public Lawwhich deals with the legal regulations from which the state executes its tax power over the population so that each citizen pays the taxes that correspond to him and in this way obtain income that will be destined to face public spending in the different areas of the state.
Meanwhile, the concept of obligation tributary is composed of two words, on the one hand obligation that refers to what has to be done or is obliged to do. And for its part, tax, allows to account for everything that proper or related to the tribute, which is the amount of money that an individual pays to the state so that it meets the expenses of the public administration and carry out works aimed at improving the common good.
So, the tax liability is the bond that is stipulated by law between a creditor, in this case the state, and a debtor, who will be embodied by natural or legal persons and whose mission is to oblige the debtor to pay the corresponding tax. As a consequence that the aforementioned obligation is established by law, its fulfillment, by the citizen, can be demanded by the state via the threat to receive a sanction if it is not satisfactorily specified.
All tax obligations have a payment term, whereas, if it is not paid according to that day and it is done a few days later, the individual must pay punitive interest.
Sanctions include: fines, disqualification and in the most extreme cases imprisonment.
It should be noted that all tax obligations paid by citizens and companies go directly to the coffers state economic resources and, as we have already indicated, will be used to meet state expenditures and to develop works public.
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