Didactic Genre Example
Literature / / July 04, 2021
The didactic genre belongs to literature and seeks to institute or make known ideas or forms of thought, whether political, religious, philosophical, moral, literary, etc., and its purpose is to teach, advise and invite its readers to act in a determined.
The didactic genre can be divided into subgenres such as:
- Essay (It is a literary composition, generally brief and written as prose, in which the author expresses his opinions and reflections on a specific topic)
- The Epistle (it is a literary composition written as a letter, addressed to an absent person, real or fictitious.)
- The Dialogue (this is about literary works in which the author pretends a conversation between the characters that make it up)
- Fable (it is an allegorical tale, which is explained by the personification of animals or things, it seeks to convey a moral teaching, "moral").
- Satire (it is a poem or writing in which one or more people or institutions are ridiculed in a humorous way).
Examples of didactic genres:
1.- Essay: Test example
Bodybuilding and food supplements
Intentional physical activity is widely recorded in human nature, precisely because it is a naturally hunting entity. This leads the human being to maintain a sufficient physical condition to carry out this activity.
Nowadays, sedentary lifestyle has caused great damage in humans, and as a consequence, obesity and systemic diseases occur, that in a circumstance of exercise can become a life system that will require adjustments to match the natural regime lost.
Due to cultural diversity and the need to hunt for food, man has focused his attention on the physical, and so much has improved the conditions to get into a good physical condition, as well as has fallen into excesses when performing the training.
To achieve muscle toning, you can use steroids, or simple proteins or permitted chemicals, to raise the aesthetic structure.
If an individual performs physical activity and reaches his maximum limit of bodybuilding and strength, he tends to be a lean and tough body, basically dry. (This varies according to the race or mix of the individual). But usually his body remains in that condition.
To raise the muscles, the man has used drugs "Steroids" "Somatrotopine" and compounds such as creatine, and liquid protein to speed up your diet and have better results.
It has been thought that all those people who achieve voluminous muscle toning and spectacular, at some point they have consumed steroids or some type of anabolic, which accelerates that type of increase; This circumstance has been called “vigorexia”. And nowadays it affects a very high number of athletes, with high-altitude athletes always being monitored. performance that participate in sports jousts, at the level of the Olympic, Pan American, European or Asians.
Those athletes who are detected with doping, are sanctioned and suspended for a period which can be both short and permanent and thus no longer participate in a fair sporty.
2.- Epistle Letter sample
Jesus Fuentes Vargas
Av. Always alive number 123
Cabbage Springfield
Springfield USA
C.P. 56324
Ana Cristina Carranza Fernandez
Av. San Juan Number 896
Cabbage Evolution
Mexico Federal District
Zip Code 95842
With this I allow myself to send you cordial greetings, and inform you that a conviviality will be held next Tuesday, as commemoration of the twentieth death anniversary of the founder of our charitable association, of which you form part.
I will be arriving at the Mexico City airport next Monday, hoping to meet at the Walter Smith hotel, the same day, and the following Tuesday, the annual meeting will be held.
No more for the moment, I say goodbye.
Jesus Fuentes Vargas
3.- Dialogue Dialog example
- Miss, what is the price of that camera.
- Two thousand seven hundred pesos, Sir.
-She's very expensive.
- That's the price sir. We have a cheaper one for twelve hundred.
- Hey miss, I'll take the two thousand seven hundred, if you let me take a picture with you.
- No sir. I do not owe.
- Don't you want me to buy you the camera?
- Yes, but I must not.
- A little coffee?
- At 9 pm?
- Okay, give me the camera.
4.- Fable Example of fable
There was a hare being chased by an eagle, and seeing herself lost, she asked a beetle for help, begging it to save her. He asked the eagle beetle to forgive his friend. But the eagle, despising the insignificance of the beetle, devoured the hare in its presence. Since then, seeking revenge, the beetle observed the places where the eagle laid its eggs, and rolling them, threw them to the ground. Seeing the eagle thrown out of the place wherever he went, he turned to Zeus asking him for a safe place to deposit his future little ones. He offered Zeus to place them on his lap, but the beetle, seeing the escape tactic, made a ball of clay, flew up and dropped it on Zeus's lap. Zeus then got up to shake off that dirt, and he threw the eggs to the ground without realizing it. For this reason, since then, the eagles do not lay eggs at the time when the beetles come out to fly. (Moral) Never despise what seems insignificant, because there is no being so weak that it cannot reach you.
Author Aesop
5.- Satire Example of satire
Political satire.
Politics, a large branch of society, in which we are all involved but nobody wants to be or almost nobody, only politicians.
That sub-species, that like paracitos suck our blood to feed and reproduce. There are, of course, parasites from which we can take benefits, the exception to the rule.
In any case, it is the politicians who dictate the way we live and be within society.
Something we must understand, and that is that with everything and their demagoguery, we obtain the benefit of learning what we should not do. And it is clear, "as George Clemenceau put it," people go to the funerals of politicians but not out of condolences, but to make sure that they are buried and stay in there.