Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2008
imposed by women's fashion, that the perfect measurements of the woman's body is 90 60 90. That would be an outward or physical generalization. But let's also imagine in the past, our grandmothers, as women, had a very different behavior from today's women: the women of past decades had the stereotype that women were submissive, calmer and more relaxed than men, she was not suitable for jobs, and in general, they took care of housework or raising children children. This has changed a lot in the current era. The stereotype of women is much more active, professionally and academically.
For human beings, without exceptions, it is very difficult to escape from these types of issues, as well as the Prejudice about situations and people is part of our lives, the stereotype also follows this same road.
Undoubtedly there will be and there are stereotypes to which we like to belong, for example, when we think of someone skinny, tall and with very harmonic features on his face, inevitably, he refers us to the stereotype of the or of the model. But of course, there is also the previous situation that I mentioned above, that of the swallow or nerd, in which the generalization or stereotype does not turn out to be as pleasant or sympathetic as that of the model.
Fashion, the market and the ideal of consumption They are the creators of most of the social stereotypes that we can find today. The models impose their physical stereotype of perfect anatomy, the TV series show adolescents of school age that all young viewers would like to be... For this reason, also means of communication, especially television, because of the use it makes of the image and the visual, is much more influential in terms of "fashions" than his other colleagues: the graph and the radio. In this sense, the market imposes the creation of "desires" and "needs", which drive the person to want to arrive at the stereotype in search of showing the standard of living that is shown and that would correspond to he. For example, if you wear shoes from that brand, sunglasses from another, and have a car of that model, it automatically turns us into someone "cool", which denotes high purchasing power or a standard of living luxurious.
The safe path of these generalizations sometimes leads to cases of pigeonholeing people before meeting them and that's where the famous prejudice comes into play: “oh no, I don't hang out with the guy with glasses because he's probably boring and he's sitting all day behind a book”. While the situation could worsen and remain nothing more than a prejudice and advance in the promotion of situations of discrimination. For example, cases of aggression through social networks like Facebook to high school boys, for example, for being studious, cute or successful.
Unfortunately, although both from the academic bosom and the school, or from the family level, work is done so that children do not fall into these sometimes so dangerous generalizations, without a doubt, television or the movie theater, who have such an important presence in the lives of the youngest, are the ones who most promote this of stereotypes.
Themes in Stereotype