Definition of Cutting Edge Technology
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Dec. 2016
The concept of cutting edge technology (or cutting edge technology, or high technology) is something ethereal or that everyone defines in their own way, so we will try to define a little what it is exactly.
State-of-the-art technology can be defined as devices or materials of any kind that incorporate the most innovative technology developed to date in their field, whether it has been marketed or not
In this sense, and despite the fact that many of us are convinced that we have the latest technology in the palm of our hands thanks to our smartphone, we must be aware that this, in reality, will still be hidden and safely in some office of design from Cupertino, Mountain View, South Korea, or a factory in China.
We may also be tempted to assign cutting edge technology to the field of space research, but many times satellites and rockets work with technology developed long ago, together with real technology tip
Should the state-of-the-art technology have already been commercially applied, or can we consider that which is still in the testing phase before
implement on specific devices and launched on the market? Again, the answer to this question depends on subjectivity.One of the fields that has traditionally - and unfortunately - pushed the latest technology the most is the military. The wars of any moment have pushed existing technology to its limits, exceeding them more than once.
In the last century this has been especially true, since the world in 1914 at the beginning of World War I lacked of many of the developments that were applied in the European battlefields until 1918, let alone the period 1939/45.
Fortunately, the thirst for death that seems innate in the human being as a species cannot be categorized as exclusively responsible for scientific development and achievements. technological, and indeed many weapons technologies have been developed based on discoveries and advances that the simple curious minds of many people have put on the table.
We currently associate the idea of cutting-edge technology with microelectronics in all its meanings.
In areas like computing, home automation, communications (both by cable but -and above all- also wireless), or robotic It is where we can identify a greater use of cutting-edge technologies, and those that our mind most associates with this concept.
Point and apart they deserve the true artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology or certain applications of aerospace technology, which for many would enter the realm of Science fiction, but that they are real technologies that are being developed today.
Thus, we must conclude that the expression “Cutting-edge technology” is defined by everyone as they well understand, with common denominators, but that varies from person to person, generally coinciding in the fields of app.
Photos: Fotolia - Dmytro Tolokonov / Malchev
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