Summary Of The Power Of Public Image
Literature / / July 04, 2021
Every day the competition grows more, the process of globalization has brought down protectionist borders and thanks to We now compete against members of the international community who are generally better prepared than we are.
In our daily life and everything that surrounds us, the image is everything, because a good image is associated with efficiency and this is automatically related to quality, seriousness and power.
In this book we are mentioned several examples in different sectors about the saying that the image Public is everything and the importance of its creation, management and control, be it personal or institutional.
Related to politics is the case of Nixon and Kennedy, the former gave an image of evil and dirt and the second of efficient and impeccable and before this we all know the result, the people chose Kennedy as President. Another case is that of Francois Mediterrand, who became president of France and it is thought that he achieved it not only because of his political talent but also because of his Jacques Sèguèla's advice on his image that also gave him great added value that greatly contributed to his personal security and self-confidence.
Another more recent case is that of the elections for governor in this country and whose results were due to the form how the images were played and what gave Cárdenas the triumph by representing revenge, the expression of the left, etc.
In relation to the company, there is the clear example of Disneyland, where absolutely everything is carefully cared to give the perfect image, it is the place where you can buy happiness, security, efficiency and cleanliness. This shows us that the accumulation of the small good details is what builds a great image. Tiffany is the example that an image cannot be bought, because no matter how long you take care of it, in a moment of neglect it can fall apart. In Mexico PH, Liverpool and Sears are the clear example that the image that is given is the most important, because being very similar in many aspects, people have different opinions of each one.
Entertainment is the least sensitive medium to the use of the Public Image.
The public image is the shared perception that will provoke a unified collective response and to build it requires the conjunction of many elements that well coordinated and produced will avoid the existence of contradictions that impede the coherence of the client's message, quality strictly necessary to convince the target group that they are the best at something and therefore deserve their credibility and confidence.
The causes that produce the image are the stimuli received through the senses, which will prompt action and there are of different types: verbal (oral or written word), non-verbal (various emission sources: visual, olfactory, etc.) and mixed. Generally there are more non-verbal stimuli than verbal ones and they modify the former by supporting or contradicting them.
Image is perception that becomes identity and, over time, reputation. The image is what is going to put the consumer at the doors of a company, the reputation what makes that customer come back. Reputation becomes the most solid heritage, the "plus" of the brand or personal name. "Never trade your reputation for short-term profits."
The axioms of the image are the clear and evident principles that do not need demonstration and some of them are: The mind decides mainly based on feelings, the Image is dynamic, the creation of an image must respect the essence of the issuer, the image is always relative, the process of creating an image is rational for what it requires of a methodology, the efficiency of an image will be directly related to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it, it will always take more time and it will be more difficult to reconstruct an image. image to be built from the beginning, the better image the greater power of influence, the image of ownership permeates the institution and the image of the institution permeates its members.
It is the set of knowledge and techniques that allow the application of scientific knowledge to the emission of stimuli that will create or modify the perception towards a person or institution, therefore, serves to build the wall of reputation, which is intended to be so solid that it repels any attack, gossip or rumor; to keep customers on the doorstep even in the worst of times of crisis.
The conditions to be able to make an image are:
Knowledge: it is required to know different disciplines and techniques such as Psychology, Marketing, Communication, Photography, Advertising, etc.
Creativity: They are factors that are not learned, they are simply brought in and consists of generating useful ideas to create perception.
Sensitivity: You must have the ability to feel physically and morally.
Respect for the essence of the client: You must know the client thoroughly.
Methodology: It must be followed to avoid risks and optimize results. It is called the Intimate System and it proposes a set of processes, by way of multiple and subsequent stages, that have their objective indicated and that its fulfillment leads to the achievement of the final objective: to create or modify the perception of a person or institution by its hearings. Its stages are:
Research: it is the origin, the source of information, concerning the perception that our client is having. They face various challenges: getting to know what they want to know, how to ask it, convincing clients of the need to carry out this stage and knowing how to communicate unpleasant news. It is carried out in two directions: internal (internal perception that the owner has his collaborators and external (that of the target groups that do not depend on him). There are also various techniques: qualitative and quantitative research, in-depth individual interviews, image auditing. All the information collected must be interpreted and conclusions drawn to clarify the client's image problem.
Design: creative stage, we proceed to the analysis of the stimuli that will create the perception or the causes that are causing the problems and possible solutions are proposed. The proposed strategies must obey time, money and what is essential. The Master Plan is the document that contains the image strategies designed. All images are covered: physical, verbal, visual, audiovisual, professional, environmental and will govern the way the stimuli will be produced, with the sole purpose of coherence.
Production: Where ideas become reality. Outsourcing is handled.
Evaluation: Review of the decisions made, it is investigated again, it serves to control the image and follow up on the methodology.
There are two large groups of images: The personal (the perception that an individual has his target group through which This will give it an identity) and the institutional one (the one that a moral person has), both are intimately related. Of these two groups are subordinated others that allow them to exist (physical, professional, verbal, visual, audiovisual, etc.)
To sustain an image we must first intimately recognize the essence of the person or institution on which we are going to work. You must define the character that the client represents in real life and complement that information with the determination of his style, which is the expression of individuality, is the way or manner in which a person or an institution makes their particular quality known or is indicated individually. There are several types of style: casual, traditional, elegant, romantic, creative, seductive, dramatic. The importance of knowing the style is that it will be the determining factor to establish the coherent form that adopt all verbal and non-verbal communication codes that will be implemented to meet the objectives of the client.
The institutional essence is reflected in the Fundamentals Manual that determines the characteristics that those who want to work in the company should have. It should include: vision, mission, principles, philosophy, motto, and standards of conduct and appearance. Just six conditions that will determine the success or failure of any effort we undertake. Some recommendations for the preparation of the manual are: keep it short, clear and have an attractive format.
Reading these two chapters I found extremely interesting, it is an enjoyable and easy-to-read book that speaks of many truths that sometimes we do not stop to think.
It is the perception that a person has of a person by their target groups as a result of their appearance or their personal language. It is one of the most important pillars on which the non-verbal communication codes of personal image can rest. Any human being has been able to understand many things about others just by seeing how they present themselves to him (profession, origin, personality, tastes, etc.). We will decode the information and issue a value judgment in terms of acceptance or rejection in seconds.
Fashion is a sign language. With clothing, each individual finds their own form of expression and uses personal variations of tone and meaning.
The physical image as a code of non-verbal communication includes clothing, hairstyle, makeup and accessories. shapes and measurements of the face, the colors, patterns and textures used, postures, smile, gestures and gestures, visual behavior and tactile.
It represents by itself one of the most accurate non-verbal communication codes. For example: everyone associates light blue with the tranquility of the sky or the sea, bright yellow with the joy of the sun, strong red with the passion of blood or anger, etc. A simple look at different colors alters our pressure, heartbeat and breathing rate.
Anthropometry: The measurements, shapes and proportion of the body is extremely determining to know what type of clothing to wear. What makes a pleasant body proportion will be influenced by the cultural traits and the epochs of location of the society to which we are referring. The ideal visual proportion of a woman will be 3/8 parts from the waist to the head and 5/8 parts from the waist to the feet; Any deviations found should be compensated for through clothing or accessories to create visual harmony that enhances the appearance. The height of the man will be divided by four and that will be the ideal measurement for each segment.
Anthropomorphology: The type of garments to be used will also be determined by the shape of the body. The shape of the female body is basically classified into seven types of silhouette that are: The rectangular or H, oval or O, rounded or 8, hourglass or X, triangular or A, inverted triangular or V and rectilinear or I. In the case of men, it is classified as: V, H, A and O.
The type of clothing that we must use will be determined by the style, the anthropometric and anthropomorphological characteristics of the each one, in such a way that we dress not with what others suggest us because it is fashionable or because it responds to their tastes or whims personal, but because it is what we must put in accordance with our body nature, personality and professional activities and social.
Carametry: The face is our most important business card. Our face is the predominant cause of the attraction or rejection that we will provoke in others. Knowing its measurements, proportion and shape gives us the advantage of leading us to make better decisions about the length of the hair that We must bring, in the way we will have to put on makeup to balance facial features and create harmony, whether or not we leave the mustache, the way our glasses should have, the size and shape of the necklaces, earrings or scarves that we are going to have use. The most important measurements of the face are: length, width and length of the eye.
Caramorphology: Any natural or artificial accessory that we are going to put on it will also depend on its shape. There are six face shapes: square, rectangular, round, oval, diamond, pear, and heart.
As an extra bonus, he gives us ninety tips in relation to the body, face, haircut, makeup, wardrobe, postures, etc. to immediately improve the executive image.
The movement of the body is the most direct way to the heart, because the body does not know how to lie. Any of us may be saying in words something that we are not quite sure about and its body will be in charge of giving you away through expressions and movements that will denote your lack of safety.
It is extremely important to project a good image to achieve self-confidence and from from it to communicate trust to provoke credibility in our person and in our acts. It is therefore necessary to acquire a certain type of specialized knowledge that allows us acquire confidence in ourselves in order to increase the efficiency of our actions in public.
Physical presence: It basically depends on two factors: walking and posture. The head, spine and pelvis form an axis that must have a correct alignment to walk correctly. The posture while standing or sitting also becomes a communication code. People won't trust you if they can't see your hands when you speak, so you made sure to always have them visible. The non-verbal communication codes that we send through our bodies not only serve to gain security in ourselves, but to decode the positive and negative messages that others are sending us in a way unconscious. The key in the use of these codes will be in the naturalness and ease with which we develop in front of others.
Gestures: They are the word in motion. They must correspond to the magnitude and action of the oral word in a natural way, administered with the right measure. They are signs that give complementary communication to words, sometimes replacing them.
Gestures: Our face can control, complement or substitute words. It can come to contradict what we are saying with words. Among all the gestures we can do, none are as flattering, powerful, soothing and rewarding as a smile. The spontaneous and natural smile wins followers. The clean and transparent smile that inspires confidence. The captivating smile that generates attraction. The smile is the main non-verbal communication code that a person can have to convey confidence. Once the credibility objective has been met, we will have achieved everything.
Eye contact: Establishing good eye contact with the people we interact with is equivalent to building a solid communication bridge between two distant places. Establishing eye contact means overcoming the fear of knowing and letting them know us, because when it is established, the conduit that leads to the heart opens, that is why trust is generated.
Tactile behavior: It is the use of the sense of touch as a means of communication. It is the permissibility of touching and being touched within the rules of proper cultural etiquette. The greeting, along with the eye contact and the smile, are our best business card and this should be with clean hands, not sweaty and quite firm.
It is the perception of a person or institution by its target groups as a result of the performance of their professional activity. There are two main factors that will influence this perception: the way we behave during the course of personal contact and how we respond when the crisis; These are the two areas that will determine our professional image: protocol and crisis management.
Protocol: it is the set of ceremonial rules that govern it and that have been established by custom or by an express decree. It is a peculiar form of behavior that occurs among all those who practice an activity professional: they are their forms, times, places and rituals that are taken for granted that all participants they will observe. They are executive skills that determine the image that others forge of a professional and that can be acquired through proper training.
Crisis management: A crisis is a complicated situation in which there are serious doubts about whether an issue or process can continue, be modified or terminated. We all have difficult times to live through, and in the course of those times, reputations are seriously compromised and there is a risk of getting out of hand. It is during these situations that the true strengths and weaknesses of a human being come to the fore. Crises come when we least expect them and surprise us full of ignorance about ourselves and the enemy we face. It is necessary that before crises happen we know our strengths and weaknesses in order to maintain the serenity to analyze the environment in which we are facing and to take with opportunity, initiative and responsibility the decisions that allow us to succeed in them.
At the end of this chapter he presents us with a questionnaire to determine the individual coefficient of our professional image.
Gordoa Víctor, The Power of the Public Image, Ed. Diana