Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The truce is an action that normally takes place at the military level and that consists of the suspension for a stipulated time between the parties, of the confrontations between two or more enemy sides, and that as a consequence of those conflicts had been developing a war.
Suspension of hostilities between two sides in the framework of a war and that lasts for a period established between the parties to the dispute
In other words, the truce may or may not imply the definitive cessation of the confrontations, because it may imply the beginning of conversations in order to put an end to the conflict and reach an agreement, or it can continue if the peace talks did not prosper.
The word truce is a term that is closely related to military field , in which it has a special reference, which in some way has also influenced the time of the other use that it has at the behest of language colloquial and that we will deal with later.
So when in a military context, of a warlike confrontation between two or more factions, there is talk of a truce, it will be referring to the
interruption for a specified period of hostilities by the opposing sides, that is, the truce does not imply in any way the definitive cessation of the dispute in question, but only implies a time specially stipulated between the interested parties in which they agree to stop any type of attack and hostility mutual.In this framework of truce, peace negotiations are usually started
Usually during truces is where the possible outputs of the armed conflict, since in a context of tranquility it is where better proposals and solutions can be discussed, than in a situation where violence, for example.
It is rare that after a truce peace does not ensue, although of course, as we said above, it cannot be taken as absolute guarantee of the continuation of peace, since other issues depend on that, which can surely be dealt with during the truce.
It should be noted that the truce can last for a few days, for months, and even for years, there is no general time established by lawIt is the parties that will decide.
Difference with the armistice and ceasefire
If, in the middle of the truce, a decision is reached to put an end to the ongoing war conflict, will speak in terms of an armistice that may or may not be accompanied by a peace agreement signed by the parties in litigation.
This agreement will obviously provide a formal framework for the decision to end the disputed war.
We must differentiate the truce from what is known in the military context as arms suspension, since the latter implies a short period of cessation of hostilities. so that during its course some activities or formalities can be carried out or developed, such as the religious celebration or the burial of the deceased in battle.
Meanwhile, if the war responds to attack by one side or force, that is, a nation that attacks another unilaterally and without the attack being responded to by the other party, when this deposes its actions, for a time or definitively, there will be talk of a ceasefire.
For its part, the mercantile truce, is that type of truce that involves trade and that allows the exchange trade between states at war.
During this period, the commercialization of products between the countries that are confronted in the framework of a war.
This original use of the word in the military context was transferred as it happens with many concepts to everyday speech to be used in a symbolic way, and clearly alluding to its reference original.
Rest in some activity
So when people want to realize that someone or something gives us or does not give us a break in an action, activity, attack, we also use this word.
A very popular expression that contains the word truce is no truce, which implies the not stop harassing someone. “My boss won't give me a break with work, I can't stand it anymore.”
And in popular language it is extremely common that the word truce is used to refer rest from something, a job, an activity, which due to its intensity, consumes almost all the hours of an individual's day. "My work as a mother does not give me respite."
Truce Issues