Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2013
The word cheated It is widely used in our language and is used to refer to various questions.
Action of deceiving someone with some situation, absence of truth
To action and effect of deceiving someone or of deceiving yourself with some situation that happens is called deception.
“ I don't know why I'm kidding myself by continuing this relationship. For me, the contest is simply a hoax.”
On the other hand, to the lack of truth that disposes something or directly the falsity of something it is called as deception.
Basically, in deception, there is a total absence of truth in what is done, thought or said.
The person who cheats will make something that is not true seem true.
A lie is stated with the conscious intention of causing someone to make a mistake.
Deception is a typically human action and, for example, it is noticeable in countless contexts and situations.
Generally, deceptions are associated with tricks, tricks, with which the purpose of missing the truth without the person being able to perceive it directly and clearly.
It should be noted then that normally the person to whom the deception is directed is especially guided by the deceiver, the person who makes the deception, to fall into the lie.
Now such an action may be done for the purpose of exercising evil, to achieve a benefit, usually economic, or on the contrary, someone can be deceived to avoid suffering with the knowledge of some situation.
Economic or sentimental motivation
Scam is a criminal offense that is closely linked to deception.
It consists of the damage that is executed against the property or the heritage of an individual, carried out and concretized on the basis of deception precisely.
For example, a person is asked to pay an advance of two thousand five hundred pesos for a job to perform in her house and the person not only does not do it but escapes with the money without leaving traces.
Now, it is important to mention that the mechanism of the fraud acts as a determinant confidence that the scammer knows how to gain from the scammed, generally, thanks to a provision and kind treatment that knows how to wrap it up and convince it to give it that money or any other good.
Most of the world's laws penalize fraud with a prison term, while the amount of time it takes will depend on the severity of the fraud perpetrated.
The defendant may also be subject to a seizure of assets that will aim to recover the amount of the scam, if possible, and return it to the affected person.
On the other hand, at the level of relationships, cheating is hyper common, between friends, between co-workers and of course between boyfriends and spouses.
Within the framework of a sentimental relationship, deception consists in that one of the spouses or boyfriends maintains a hidden relationship with another person.
Usually, when the deceived person discovers the deception, she will get very angry, she will feel very hurt and the usual thing is that she decides to definitively interrupt the relationship.
The ways to find out about a love deception are discovering it red-handed while it is being committed, by the confession of the couple or that of a third party.
On the other hand, it is common for him to fool himself with a motivation humorous or in those cases in which it is directed to a child, to involve him in a special reality or situation.
One of the most common hoaxes people get involved in kids it is to instill in them beliefs such as the existence of Santa Claus, the Three Wise Men, the Pérez mouse, among others.
In a totally different order of things, the word deception presents a special reference in the field of bullfighting, since this is the name of the cape used to fight the bull.
Among the most popular synonyms of this word, undoubtedly those of lie and falsehood and the concept that is directly opposed is that of truth, because it precisely implies the real existence of something or the correspondence and compliance with something.
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