Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2014
The concept of whole we use it to designate what has the property total.
When something is said to be total, it is because it is characterized by being or presenting itself in a complete, general. Let's take an example to see it more clearly... unemployment summoned by the workers' centrals is total. Whoever reads this headline in a newspaper or in a news you will not only take knowledge and dimension In this regard, the strike called was joined by all the workers grouped in those organizations but also that all the public services nucleated by precisely these centrals do not work because of the measure of force which is total, that is, general, extended.
For example, when we use the concept of totality or total it is because all those issues or aspects inherent or related to reality or fact is involved in that context or scope that is mentioned, all its components are included and none is outside that event.
On the other hand, the word totality designates the set of individuals or things that make up a class or species
. All living beings breathe. All decisions mark the new direction of the company.In the math, the term total is widely used since through it the term total is called result of a mathematical operation, from addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. So 4 is the total of the sum of 2 + 2 and 12 is the total of the multiplication of 3 x 4.
This use in the field of mathematics that we just indicated is very present in our daily life given that we use it in all those activities and actions that involve the addition, division or multiplication of quantities. When we buy a series of products in the Supermarket, the cashier will add the price of each one and finally when she gives us the account she will give us the all of it, made up precisely of the price of each of the products that we bought.
Issues in Totality