Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Jan. 2009
A node is a point or space in various disciplines where several other interrelated points converge.
It is called a node in science and other disciplines to the real or abstract point where the different parts of a connection meet to communicate with each other.
For example in technology, a node is the point, moment or space where all the elements of a network that share the same characteristics are linked and interact. These elements are in turn nodes and can be related in a hierarchical way or in a horizontal or other type of network.
This type of case is seen in the computing and, more specifically, in networks of Internet. In this example, each computer and each server constitutes a node.
The same happens in electronics, where the nodes are the points of a circuit.
This same concept of what a node is is used in the sociology, to explain phenomena that occur through a binding agent. For example, between different types of organizations as companies and
institutions educational institutions that have a node that will allow communication interactive. What has been said applies to both natural and artificial phenomena, and in cases of negative and positive interaction.On the other hand, in astronomy A node is called a point that in a certain orbit operates by cutting another certain reference plane. It is called an ascending node when the body goes from south to north and descending when it is from north to south. For example, Aries is said to be an ascending node of the ecliptic in terms of the Equator.
For the physical the node is a standing wave whose amplitude is always zero.
Finally, in programming any element of a list, tree or graph in data structures is called a node. Through a node it must be possible to access other nodes of the same structure. These elements are key to building dynamic structures and in movement.
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