Definition of Mining
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2014
Theexploitation mining it is certainly a millenary activity. It is proven by the various discoveries of disciplines that inquire about the past of humanity that man exploits mines to obtain precious minerals from them for thousands and thousands of years. years.
Given the fantastic dividends it brings to the private and public companies that practice it, it is that mining became one of the most important economic activities in the world. world.
It basically consists of the use of various tools and special machinery, plus human Resources, which will allow obtaining those minerals that were generated and exceptionally remain in some soils after the various geological processes that have occurred on our planet.
However, within the exploitation of mines there are two modalities that have to do with the location of the mineral reserve. On the one hand, the exploitation of underground mines that as its name already anticipates it is carried out below the land surface
In tunnels, for example, where minerals are embedded. In this case, the exploitation task is carried out manually since it is extremely difficult to enter in these underground redoubts complex machines like those that are used at the request of the other type of exploitation.And on his side, the open pit mining, as his appointment also announces to us, it is carried out on the very surface and it is then possible use large machinery, that of course, make a job easier that in itself is not simple or much less.
This is undoubtedly the great advantage of this type of exploitation compared to the previous one.
It should be noted that although, as we pointed out, mining exploitation is a source of income very important to many economies and also helps jump-start other industries, the impact that this activity generates as it passes through our environment it is undoubtedly tragic and tremendous.
Mainly we must point out the destruction of the soils and as a counterpart the appearance of new soils that are not natural ones. This already undermines the Balance natural system, hindering the development of vegetation that does not, of course, find the same conditions as in natural soils.
And on the other hand we find the contamination of waters and air as a result of the high concentrations of lead and sulfur that expand with exploitation.
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