Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
Generally speaking when talking about morphology is referring to study of the external forms of something, more precisely it will be in the fields of biology, geology and linguistics where the term acquires and has a special importance and significance.
Within biology, morphology is the discipline that will deal with the study of the shape and structure of an organism or system, as well as the transformations that organic beings undergo as a result of the passage of time.
In turn, biological morphology is subdivided into several disciplines which are They are especially concerned with describing and studying some of the phenomena that intervene in the structure of a to be.
Thus, for example, descriptive morphology deals with the description Y comparison of the different organic forms that exist in the world. On the theoretical side, it will be the different morphological constrictions that occupy your attention. Meanwhile, when it comes to studying organic forms and characteristics in relation to the function they have, it will be functional morphology that will bring us the most answers. And finally, when the interest is in the history of organic structure, evolutionary morphology will be the ideal candidate.
In a linguistic context, morphology is that branch that will deal with the study of the internal structure of words for this In this way, define, delimit and classify the units that compose it, that is, in super general terms it is simply the study of the word.
In most languages and regardless of the procedures morphological that they possess, words have a basic morphology, in other words, a sequence of phonemes that will define the semantic field and even the referential meaning of the word in question, while is Unit Basic on which other morphemes will be added is called lexeme or root. For example: gat- is the lexeme or basic unit that will make it possible to form the rest of the words linked to the group gat-o, gat-a, gat-as, gat-os.
And finally In geology, morphology will be concerned with studying the origin and evolution of the land surface. For example, thanks to this we can know how the various mountain ranges have originated.
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