Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2011
Depending on the context in which it is used, the word base You can refer different questions in our language.
Foundation or support on which something rests
Its broader and more general use says that base is that foundation or main support on which something rests. Meanwhile, this support can be physical or, failing that, symbolic. “ The motorcycle is displayed on a smooth wooden base that ensures its stability. The basis of his proposal is party unity.”
Line on which a figure rests
On the other hand, line or the surface on which a figure rests is called the base. The base of a triangle.
On architecture and in sculpture it names the seat either of a column or of a statue.
Place where the personnel and equipment needed for a mission meet
Another use that accepts the word base is that which designates the place where the personnel and equipment necessary for the organization of campaigns or expeditions are concentrated. Therefore it is a term frequently used within the military context. “
The Colombian army base was savagely attacked by the guerrillas and it is estimated that there are no survivors. The snowstorm forced the mountaineers to return to their base.”Politics: people represented by a leader
Meanwhile, in a political or social context, the base will be called group of individuals who are represented by a leader. From this, then, it follows that the base represents the popular support of any political project, be it an initiative politics or a candidacy. “If it had not been for the bases, his arrival in the House of Representatives would not have been possible.”
Sport: uses in basketball and baseball
Also, in sports, more precisely in baseball and basketball competitions, the word has a recurring use, since in this way, in baseball, each of the corners that make up a playing field is designated and that must be defended by the players, while in basketball, the base is the position played by the player in charge of assembling the play.
Chemistry: organic or inorganic body that can combine with acids and form salts
At the behest of the Chemistry, a base is the organic or inorganic body that has the property of combining with acids and forming salts.
Regulations governing a game or contest
Popularly known as bases are rules that deal with regulating a contest or game. For example, the bases of a contest usually indicate the duration of the promotion in question, the ages that those who participate must observe, among other issues.
Use in mathematics
In mathematics we find two uses of the word, on the one hand, to designate that quantity that it is possible to multiply by itself the times indicated by its exponent. And on the other hand, the number that continues to the last is called that way and with which a certain numbering system operates.
Database: information stored and ordered in software
At the behest of the computing, the database It is the set of data that is properly stored and organized with the mission of making its access and retrieval accessible through a computer for example.
The organization that proposes the database is its main benefit and characteristic since being the organized data can be obtained easily and quickly, something that would be impossible if there were no such organization.
In order to create and consult the database later, it is essential to have a software in which it is stored.
Before the massive use of computers and the benefits that new technologies bring every day, databases were They were made on paper cards, which recorded the data of interest in a handwritten way and were then organized alphabetically within a file.
Tax base: allows you to calculate taxes
Meanwhile, in the field of accounting and from tax law, where this concept is mostly addressed, there is what is known as the tax base, which is the amount of money on the which will be calculated the percentage of taxes that an individual or company must pay to the treasury, either for their activities or for goods.
To arrive at its calculation, the tax base must be multiplied by the percentage rate.
For each case, in income tax, the taxpayer's taxable base will be his net income less deductions, an amount on which the tax to be paid will be calculated according to the legislation current of course.