Definition of Digital Image
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
The digital image is the Two-dimensional representation of an image using bits, a minimum unit of information composed of binary digits (1 and 0), which is used at instances of the computing and any digital type device.
According to the resolution presented in the image,static or dynamic, you can talk about graphic rasterized (or bitmap; represents a rectangular grid of pixels or color point, which can be displayed in a monitor, on paper or any other representation device used) or vector graphic (Image product of independent geometric objects; The main difference that it presents with respect to the previous one is the possibility of enlarging the size of the image without losing its scale as in the case of raster graphics), respectively.
Meanwhile, the digital image can be obtained from digital analog conversion devices, such is the case of the scanners and digital cameras , or, failing that, through relevant computer programs such as drawing with the mouse or through a 2D rendering program.
It should be noted that it is absolutely modification of digital images possible , by means of filters you can add or delete certain elements that you do not have or, on the contrary, remove those that you do not want, likewise You can modify the size of an image and, if necessary, even record it on a storage device, such as a CD or the own self HDD of the computer.
Regarding their conformation, most digital formats respect the same structure: header with attributes: size of the image and the type of coding, among others; data from the image itself. Both the attributes and the image data will be different in each Format.
On the other hand, many of the formats of digital cameras and video cameras that are used today, have added an area called metadata (data that describes other data).
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