What is Orange Movement
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2018
In July 2018, the presidential elections will take place in Mexico. In January of this year, a video began to be broadcast, the title of which is "Movement Orange". In it, a 9-year-old Huichol boy appears singing a catchy song. In an unexpected way, the video has become a viral phenomenon with millions of visits that continue to increase.
It is an advertising spot with which you want to promote the training campaign politics, "Citizen movement". The media impact of the commercial has been accompanied by all kinds of memes, choreographies and imitations. The protagonist of the video is called Yuawi and he has also become a celebrity.
While there is no explicit political message, the campaign conveys a hopeful proposition, as "Movimiento Ciudadano" aims to be the political formation that changes the course of politics in Mexico.
The "Orange Movement" campaign is directly related to the Mexican political crisis
Traditional political parties are losing support in many countries around the world. In the case of Mexico, policy in general has deteriorated significantly and a large part of the
citizenship expresses its discontent over corruption and the democratic weakness of the institutions. In this weather Disappointed, the "Movimiento Ciudadano" and other formations have created an electoral coalition to defeat the PRI.For wide sectors of the population The PRI is the symbol of political degradation in Mexico and, therefore, it is necessary to create a platform of different parties to regenerate the political life of the nation.
A very similar phenomenon began in Spain a decade ago
In Spain the political party "Ciudadanos" has similarities to that of Mexico. Both are an alternative to traditional parties, both use the color orange and both are presented with a renewing spirit.
The leader of Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, became known in Spain from a striking advertising campaign, because he appeared naked in the first electoral poster. One of the messages used was "we care about you", a slogan that is quite similar to another used by the Mexican training: "we need you, we believe in you."
The two formations have burst into political life as a result of the citizenry being fed up with corruption cases and the wear and tear of conventional politicians.
Finally, it is striking that the two parties avoid the term "party" in its acronym.
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