Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
We call magnet to that body or device that has a magnetic field, namely, attracts or repels another magnet. It's about a mineral of magnetic iron that has the property of attracting other irons, steel and to a lesser extent other types of bodies.
The magnet is made up of three fundamental parts: the magnetic axis (bar of the line that will join the two poles), the neutral line (It is the line on the surface of the bar that is responsible for separating the polarized areas) and the poles (They are the two extremes that the magnet presents, north pole and south pole, also known as positive pole and negative pole, respectively and in which the forces of attraction they are very intense; different poles will attract while like ones will tend to repel).
It should be noted that the phenomenon of magnetism It was first known to the Greeks, who had discovered that certain stones attracted iron and that pieces of iron in turn attracted others; the tradition indicates that magnets were first observed in the city of Magnesiahence the name was derived from there.
The use that is given to magnets today is really very diverse and wide, among the most recurrent are: loudspeakers, figures that adhere to the refrigerator, compasses, coded keys, magnetic cranes, motors, metal detectors, the magnetic strips of credit cards, among others.
On the other hand, in the religion muslim, the magnet is called Leader religious or individual who is charged with leading public prayer. Although many maintain that the imam is the equivalent of the rabbi in Judaism and the priest in Christianity, in reality this is not so, since the Islam lacks clergy Furthermore, an imam can be anyone, the only necessary condition is that he knows the prayer very well. The imam stands ahead of the rest of the faithful in mosques and is the guide to perform the ritual of prayer.
Anyway, in recent times there has been a professionalization of the homework, because although as we said the figure does not require specific knowledge other than knowing how to pray, specific studies have been developed that teach how to do it.
Magnet Themes