Definition of Acid Rain
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Nov. 2010
The concept of rain Acid is a relatively recent concept that was coined in the second half of the 20th century to refer to a type of precipitation very particular that arises from the combination of natural water droplets with different gases found in the atmosphere due to pollution. That is why acid rain is always understood as a polluting element, which can cause serious damage to plants and others. organisms alive, as well as in constructions, buildings and monuments. While acid rain is not fatal (meaning it will not do immediate fatal damage) it can get to cause alterations if a person or a living organism is exposed to it in a way constant.
Acid rain is understood as one of the clearest results of the contamination that man has caused on planet Earth in the last two or three centuries. Acid rain is the product of air pollution that the unfailing work of factories and other types of Energy They have generated. This is so because acid rain is not something that already exists in that state naturally, but is generated when the raindrops come into contact with the different gases that are suspended in different levels of the atmosphere, mainly nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, which gives acidity to the Water. This conjunction causes a type of rain that is corrosive and that although it does not generate immediate damage to people or animals, it can generate more severe alterations if the object or organism in question is permanently exposed to it (as is the case with a building or a tree).
Acid rain is much more common in urbanized or manufacturing areas and although today the pollution of the air has spread throughout almost the entire atmosphere, the level of presence of these pollutants in rural areas is much lower. Acid rain is obviously not advisable for use or for consumption.
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