Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2009
The term mechanism is designated as that set of elements, mostly rigid, whose reason for being to transmit or begin a movement.
Among the fundamental and characteristic components of a mechanism we find the following: link, which is that rigid element that serves for the transmission of the movement that will lead to functioning of the mechanism in question; the node, that element of a link that is used to join another link and the Joint or Kinematic Pair, which is the element that indicates the union of two or more links.
On the other hand, the links involved in a mechanism can be classified according to the number of nodes they have in binary, ternary or quaternary, according to the function they perform in fixed, conductor, transducer and driven and according to the movement they cause in fixed, crank, connecting rod and slide.
Meanwhile, each of these nodes that we mentioned above, have different movements. For example, the crank presents a rotary movement, the slide will make the movement known as translation, the connecting rod will represent the general plane movement, the driver, will be the one who of all will initiate the movement, the driver who receives the driver's movement and the transducer that has the mission of communicating the driver with driven. Among the most common examples of mechanisms and with which we can usually deal with, we can cite the one exerted by the windshield wipers of a
car, the back and forth movement to remove the Water of the surface of the glass of a vehicle, is made thanks to the design of a mechanism like the one described above.In an absolutely opposite path and that has nothing to do with what we have been commenting on, are the defense mechanisms, which have a special significance and importance in the scope of psychologythat defines them as those cognitive operations that people perform at a certain moment to defend themselves against some question or danger that stalks them.
For example, a person who suffered various and repeated love deception every time he got involved in a romantic relationship, surely, the next time who is faced with the possibility of getting involved with someone, unconsciously, will tend to boycott, through different actions, the relationship so as not to return to suffer.
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