Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2011
The term indigenism It admits several uses, although all of them oriented to the same question: indigenous civilization.
Study of the Indian peoples of Ibero-America
With the term of indigenismo, the formal study of the Ibero-American Indian peoples.
Current that defends and vindicates the rights of the indigenous or native peoples of America
On the other hand, it is known as indigenism to the doctrine and party that promotes political, social and even economic demands for the Indians of the Ibero-American countries.
The emergence of this doctrine and current is closely linked to the degradation and oppression that the native peoples by the colonizers, who did not respect them in human terms or in their possessions materials.
The oppression and degradation they suffered from the Spanish colonizers
When the Spanish conquerors arrived in the new continent, they found these indigenous settlers and an infinity of riches materials that dazzled them, and of course, immediately, so as not to lose them, they began a progressive and bloody plan to displace them and keep everything…
So, the main problem that indigenism has always had to face is the fierce discriminationthat different indigenous peoples have suffered from other cultures, especially from those colonizers.
Indigenous people are individuals who are directly descended from indigenous peoples of a territoryIn other words, these are peoples that were already settled in that place before the conquest or colonization of other peoples, mainly from the European continent.
The denomination of Indians is linked to the belief Originally from the discoverer of America, the navigator Christopher Columbus, who at first believed he had reached the Indies, which was his objective, and not that he had discovered a continent.
The recognition of Indigenism
While officially in the year 1940 and after the celebration of I Inter-American Indigenous Congress indigenismo would become a politics official in the American states, it could be said that Indigenism as a doctrine of vindication was present in the world long before, centuries before, and from the hand of Spanish Dominican missionary and friar Antonio Montesinos, who immediately after the Spanish conquest of America distinguished himself from his peers by denouncing and fighting openly against the abuse, exploitation and inhuman treatment that indigenous people received from the majority of the colonizers.
Indigenism considers that indigenous people are marginalized because they are not usually participants in the benefits of civilization in general, that is, they are not recognized human rightsThey are exploited, mistreated, destined to live on the periphery and in extremely poor conditions that inevitably make them easy targets for epidemics and malnutrition.
Nor are their uses and traditions and it is tried above all the things that they abandon them and that they incorporate other practices that have nothing to do with their culture.
And undoubtedly one of the most conflictive issues that these peoples and their defenders have had to face is the claim for the lands in which they are settled and that correspond to those that they have inherited from generation to generation.
For various situations and factorsMainly economic, governments are reluctant to recognize their ownership and ownership and this has generated long struggles and conflicts between indigenous peoples and the governments of the day.
One of the most resounding cases in Argentina is the claim that the Wichi community maintains with the authorities of the Argentine Province of Formosa.
The indigenous community has held camps and protests in the federal capital to expose their claim to the world, however, to date they have not have found a solution to their problem, although, as soon as Argentine President Mauricio Macri took office, he received them to hear their orders from him.
Humane, equal treatment before the law and respect for their culture and traditions
Therefore, in return, the indigenismo request equal and greater treatment participation citizen and social for the indigenous, so that once and for all they can overcome and integrate into that world that despises them for considering them different.
And finally, the word is used at the instance of naming the linguistic loan that makes a language indigenous to the invader.
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