Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
A Scholarship is the financial aid or grant that generally a institution, a company or an individual, among others, gives someone to carry out studies, whether primary, secondary, university, postgraduate, or research.
Financial assistance that a company, entity or other provides to a student or researcher to carry out studies or research
Traditionally, scholarships are awarded to those students, students and professionals who they do not have sufficient capital or economic level to pay for the study or investigation in question but their intellectual or professional level is so high that they decide to help them because it is known that they will meet the objectives and overcome them by becoming great professionals.
They offer equal opportunities
The great value attached to scholarships is that they provide equality opportunities and rights to people, that is, they equal those who have access to resources and those who have them but do have talent and desire to train.
The right to education It is a right that all the laws of the world recognize and promote and for this reason it is really necessary that these proposals exist from different spaces, whether public or private.
Meanwhile, different state institutions, such as ministries, universities, schools, organizations Non-governmental organizations, such as foundations or associations, and private companies, such as banks or companies, are the ones who normally award the scholarships.
On the other hand, the scholarships that are destined to develop the work of scientists are oriented to solve to some research whose results will have a highly positive impact on science and community.
Scholarship classes
There are different types of scholarships, full or full scholarships (they cover all the expenses of the student or researcher), partial scholarships (the contribution only covers a part of the total expenses), general scholarships (for careers and ordinary studies) and the special scholarships (for certain programs).
Interns and interns
Meanwhile, it is designated as scholar to the individual who enjoys and is the holder of a scholarship.
The term is also linked to the figure as an intern, which is that student or professional who has just received or is about to be one and who accesses a job position linked to your expertise that will help you complete your training and also acquire experience.
The contract of an intern will always imply a much lower remuneration than that of an ordinary employee, a situation that is sometimes used by companies to lower their costs without having to resign quality.
Now, in this last point we must take into account that many companies make use of this last option with the sole economic objective of reducing costs of their plant of employees, that is to say, there is no genuine intention to give an opportunity to a professional recently received or about to be received, who demonstrates very high capacity to perform in the corresponding job position, to train it, and then to be able to carry out an upward career in said company, but the objective is to reduce expenses and period, then, when the professional already demands an increase in salary for his great development, the companies lay him off and rehire another intern, in order to follow the circle.
Cloth band, student badge
If we review the history we find another reference for the concept, although at the moment it is no longer in use.
The term is also used to refer to the cloth band or insignia that schoolboys used to wear taped to their chest or hanging from their back. Currently this use has become obsolete, it is no longer part of everyday uniforms, being used only in formal acts.
In Spain, for example, its color will vary according to the university studies that are taken: red (right), yellow (medicine), sky blue (humanities), cobalt blue (science), green (teaching and veterinary), orange (economics), purple (psychology), among other.
Now it is quite understood because the concept began to be used to name the students who receive aid economic to continue their studies and that it is not a whimsical denomination but has an origin concrete.
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