Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
Person or company that is dedicated to editing works or other publications
The concept of publisher includes that person or company, such as being a publisher, that is dedicated to editing works or other publications, such is the case of journalistic publications, among the most recurrent, the publication of books and journals.
A very important industry with a very relevant cultural function
This task constitutes a very important industry in almost all the countries of the world and has a very relevant cultural function, since in addition to of course being an economic business for those who participate directly in it, authors, publishers, sellers, through it it is put into movement the information so that it reaches the interested public and in this way it can learn more or learn more about a certain science or topic.
Editing phases
The editorial process will not remain only in the editor and that's it, that is, the editor takes care of the publication of the text corresponding to your own authorship or not and that's it, but it is a procedure made up of several more steps... it begins with the delivery of the original, continues with your
evaluation, follows the philological revision and the correction of style, then the layout, composition and final art, later the text is taken to print, when it leaves there, to binding and finishing and finally it passes to the circulation stage, which will make it possible to meet the reader in a direct.The relevance of the editor in the media and publishers
In the media communicationgraph, such as newspapers and magazines, the figure of the editor is certainly relevant because he is the one who has the responsibility of gathering, evaluating and deciding the contents that the publication in question will contain, or failing that, a section of the newspaper, since normally the sections have an editor.
This figure is also present and has great importance in the publishing world, in which the editor is in charge of receiving the manuscript by part of the authors and who will be in charge of finalizing all the details so that the work is edited accordingly, is in some way the nexus between the writer and the editorial. Many authors maintain a fluid and close relationship with their publishers.
Person in charge of preparing the publication of a text following philological criteria
On the other hand, the term is also used to refer to the person who is in charge of preparing the publication of a text following philological criteria, that is, according to certain rules and regulations.
Computing: program that will allow you to write, edit, modify and print digital documents
Y at the request of the computing, the term is very common as a consequence of the so-called text editor, what is that program that will allow you to write, edit, modify and print digital documents.
What this type of program does is read and interpret the bytes according to the character code used by the editor in question. Generally, it is included in the operating system or in some installed software package. The most popular when it comes to editing texts is Word, created by the Microsoft company and that allows the creation and storage of a digital document. Its main and typical functions include the following: edit, mark a line, find, replace, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, import photos or any other type of image, among other.
One of the most important advantages of editors such as Word is that once the document is saved we can continue editing it, adding data and images, or failing that, delete it.
Also, new technologies allow us exchange electronically of these documents. So then it is possible for a document to be sent via email to another person interested in it.
Undoubtedly, we live in the publishing era because it is precisely the technology that develops every day that is getting closer to us. more and more tools to modify what we do not like, to give it another appearance, a better aesthetic to be more precise.
And precisely the image editors, widely used by the advertising and also by the graphic press, they allow to hide some defects in people's faces and physiques and to highlight some others through editing.