Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
An event is a specific social activity, a festival, a party, a ceremony, a competition, a convention, among others, and that, either because of the people who will attend it or because of the value and emotional charge that an individual places on one of them (for example, the marriage of a friend), they show the character of a very important and unmissable event that must be attended, if we are facing the second case or in In the case of, for example, an awards ceremony, such as the Oscars of the American Academy, at least follow the event by TV.
So, within what is an event we find those that take place on a special occasion and that have a ritual meaning, ceremonies. These episodes include religious ceremonies, such as a baptism, a funeral or a wedding,, as well as events of another nature and high impact on the family group, as it may result a birth or a school or university graduation, among others.
Also within the long list of events are the parties, which are social rites in which an important event is celebrated, such as a birthday or anniversary, in a personal capacity, or an event of social magnitude as occurs with national celebrations in each nation or with patron saint festivities, especially in small cities or towns reduced.
Then we meet the festivals , which are events or celebrations that have the organization of the community or municipality of a specific place and can be of music, ethnic, arts, de movie theater, from theater, literary, alternative, among others. These characteristics make it possible to define certain geographical areas and give it a boost associated with the tourism industry and its accompanying tertiary activities, such as gastronomy, local sports and folkloric components. In this sense, it occupies a particular place the carnival; Although the pagan religious meaning of this festival has completely disappeared, its celebration constitutes one of the most popular events in the most varied regions of the world.
It is worth noting that another of the many events that exist (and which are usually the most celebrated and seen by the male gender) are the sporting events or competitions, which can include football, hockey, tennis, basketball, volleyball tournaments and various motor sports. Those celebrations of a continental or even planetary nature stand out in particular, such as the FIFA World Cup, considered the event with the largest number of local spectators and by the media from communication massive, like television or Internet. This contest, which is held every four years, attracts on each occasion billions of individuals interested in the performance of the different national men's soccer teams.
And finally, among the most salient events, meets the conventions, which are defined as the meeting of specialists or fans of a certain topic who set a point and a meeting date to exchange ideas, analysis, opinions, materials on the topic in question. An example might be the conventions of fans of a musical group or a cinematographic or animated series. The followers of the saga have been pioneers in this regard. Star trek (known in the Spanish-speaking world as Trip to the Stars); these fans, self-styled trekkers, have held local or international conventions for decades. Medical congresses can be included in the same chapter, in which specialists in different areas of the health sciences meet for the debate and the presentation of new ideas or treatments, with goals of national scope or, in many occasions, continental and even to scale planetary. This model has been adopted by other professions outside health, which also carry out events of this magnitude, sometimes called with Anglicisms that have become popular (workshops, meetings) but do not downplay the importance of quality of these conventions of strong repercussion in the practice of the different assistants.
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