Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
It is designated by the term instance to that request that is made in writing and according to certain formulas, which is addressed to a authority or institution. For example: "In the instance that you send to the president, he must provide all your personal data.”
Request, letter, which is sent to an authority to ask for a question
In other words, it is a request that is made through standardized and special characteristics, which by Of course, they attribute formality to the communication that is carried out before, as we have already said, an authority or a institution.
Also, at document containing the aforementioned request it is called as an instance and we must say that it is common to call it in some contexts as an office or report.
The aforementioned use of the term is associated with the communication model that the individual may maintain with the public administration corresponding.
Without a doubt, this is the least known sense of the concept ...
Degree or novice of jurisdiction in which a judicial process is settled
On the other hand and at the request of Right, an instance is called each of the jurisdictional degrees that the law stipulates to examine sentences and cases that have been submitted to the courts of justice.
The aforementioned is the best known and most used sense of the term, both in the judicial sphere and outside of it.
Generally, judicial systems are structured from a double instance system.
It should be noted that the instance covers all the procedural acts that take place from the exercise of an action and its corresponding answer in the framework of a trial.
Likewise, instance may involve that challenge that is made regarding a legal argument.
First instance judgments issued by the first judge who intervenes in the case and the appeal that the litigant may file in case he considers to be the subject of an unfair sentence
In the legal field, there is what is known as a first instance ruling, which consists of the ruling issued by a judge, which is the first to intervene in a judicial case, and for this reason it will be called first instance, because then there are other instances before which you can present an appeal for review, and then other judges will take care of reviewing the ruling issued by that judge, they will be able to confirm it, or failing that dismiss it.
It should be noted that this ruling can be appealed, which is a common law, reform or legal remedy. annulment, through which the litigating party will take the process in which it intervenes before a jurisdiction of degree higher.
On the other hand, we can find the last resort ruling, which is the one to which no type of appeal can be filed, remaining as the only ones resources the claim by extraordinary means, such as appeal for review or cassation.
The filing of appeals is a common resource in the courts of the whole world, although it can be considered that it often delays the Convictions, if any, it is important to say that it is very good that they exist since if someone falls into the hands of a partial judge and is convicted, this does not imply the impossibility of claiming innocence before another instance, which, as we have already said, will review what was done by the judge of first instance, affirming it or dismissing it.
Level or stage in some situation
The word instance is also used to refer to the level, stage or grade observed by a social institution, a competence sporty, among other options. “Having reached this instance of the tournament, for us, already implies having won it.”
Use in computer science to call an application in a program
On Computing, we also find a reference for the word instance, since in that way it designates a request or insistence; the instance of a program is a copy of an executable version of the program that has been duly written in the computer's memory.
The instance is created by the user click on an interface icon.
Use in psychology and popular expressions
On the other hand, in the psychology, the instance will be those parts of the psychic apparatus capable of acting.
And there are also some extremely popular expressions that contain the word instance, such as: at someone's behest (at someone's request or request) and as a last resort (as a last resort / in short).
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