Definition of Job Interview
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Abr. 2011
The interview is an activity that involves the meeting between two or more people, which will be characterized by the maintenance of a conversation to discuss a certain issue.
Meeting in which the applicant for a job position is known through questions and that allows conclusions to be drawn about whether the person is ready to deploy the position
Now, for the most part, the concept is associated with the journalistic and labor context; in the first, a journalist asks questions of a recognized person or protagonist of a relevant event in order to make public opinion their opinions or event; and on the other hand, the labor one, will involve a talk to which the applicant is submitted to a job to be able to know his knowledge and abilities and afterwards determine if he is qualified to occupy that job position.
It can be carried out by an expert in personnel selection or by the head of a company.
We understand a job interview as that exchange communicative that is given in a formal way with the objective of evaluating the experience, the possible performance, the capacities or the reliability that an individual shows for a company,
institution or specific position.
How is the interview and the conditions to be taken into account by the applicant
The job interview can have many formats and be more or less relaxed depending on the environment in which it is carried out as well as also of who carries it out, tending to be much more formal and strict those that are taken by senior officials of each institution. The job interview is the first step in what is understood as the formation of a person's career since it is the first and most important step that must be overcome.
The idea of a job interview is relatively recent, although an employee is always evaluated at the time of being chosen for a position, however, the establishment of norms, forms of behavior, patterns, idioms and inquisitive structures is something relatively recent that has to do with the development of a wide labor market in which the selection of candidates must become more and more specific, limiting the possibilities only to those who meet the profile searched.
The job interview is always important when starting a person's professional career and This is why it is always maintained that the applicant must make a very good impression both at the level of its appearance (to be neat, elegant, orderly and clean) as well as with regard to the level of training (knowledge or preparation that you have) and also a very good level of communication that allows you to express yourself and handle yourself in the best way possible (with I respect, knowing the formalities of each situation, being polite and responsible, trying to be safe and calm, etc.).
Undoubtedly, the job interview is the most relevant step that a person faces when looking for a job. Everything that is done before arriving for the interview, preparing a curriculum vitae, looking for work contacts, and writing the cover letter, among others, These are important questions but they are all linked to the ultimate and ultimate goal, which is to get an interview that is the springboard to the job being seeks.
When someone is summoned for a job interview, they must prepare very well for that moment, of course, not fail.
The most relevant and that we already mentioned is to be calm and confident, someone hesitant and with little safety he will never make a good impression, even if he is the most capable in the world in practice to fill the position for which he is applying.
While each interviewer will have their personal way of asking and the interview may point to inherent issues to the post, we must say that most usually contain standardized questions and that they have to do with unraveling the personality of the applicant, know his academic training, his work experience and his expectations if he is chosen for the position, among others.
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