Definition of Infant Mortality
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2013
The concept of infant mortality is one that is used to designate the phenomenon that involves the death of children before reaching one year of age. This concept is used as statistics or as data to calculate the quality of life of children in different regions of the planet and profoundly influenced by issues such as access to health and feeding, as well as the environment healthy. When the infant mortality rate in a region or country is very high, it presents a serious social and demographic problem since it supposes that the population you are not guaranteed a good quality of life in general terms.
The infant mortality rate is made from the data that health centers, hospitals and clinics report on the death or death of children under one year of age. To establish a parameter, this index is taken on a number out of every thousand births, in proportion to how many of them have not survived a year of life. The estimated time in a year is considered to be that in which the newborn child is is in a greater state of fragility and can suffer more severely from any type of condition of disease. This is mainly due to the fact that throughout the year the child not only largely develop her organism (the vital organs) but also develop their immune system, the one that protects them from the onslaught of viruses,
bacteria and other diseases.Infant mortality, unlike other demographic indices, fully and faithfully demonstrates the quality of life of a population since it represents the scarce access to health and a good nutrition that children (the future of society) can have, as well as tell us about important indices poverty and the absence of State policies designed to alleviate or solve these problems. In general, infant mortality statistics are very low or nil in First World countries while developing countries present them as one of their indicators higher.
Issues in Infant Mortality