Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2017
Legumes are a family from plants and legumes are obtained from them. Some of the best known are lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, lima beans or beans. All of them are seeds that arise from a structure known as a pod. The consumption of this food is spread throughout the planet.
Nutritional properties and health benefits
They contain protein vegetables, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body and for health in general.
By containing natural antioxidant properties, they help delay the aging of the body. In this sense, its consumption strengthens the elasticity of the skin, increases the health of the hair, develops the muscles and, in general, helps the tissues to be more resistant.
This food contains good carbohydrates quality and it is highly recommended to counteract the effects of leukemia, for patients with diabetes or as a brain stimulant. At the same time, it protects the heart, lowers the risk of cancer and lowers cholesterol levels.
They have vitamins of group B, A and C and, on the other hand, they contain some important minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus
An important aspect of this food is the low fat content. Its high fiber content makes this food highly recommended for feeding of children and athletes.
Like any other food, it should be eaten in adequate amounts to avoid excess calories. The specialists in nutrition They advise consuming three servings of legumes a week.
As for their preparation, it is recommended to immerse them in water overnight, rinse and drain them and finally boil them so that they are tender.
In the gastronomy of the ancient world
The consumption of chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas was part of the daily diet of various peoples of antiquity, especially Hebrews, Greeks and Romans.
In Ancient Rome the population In general, he consumed legumes in different ways: raw, boiled, in puree form or in stews. It should be borne in mind that legumes have historically been a cheap and easy to obtain food. Due to this, it had a great acceptance among the popular classes and the soldiers.
In some classic texts, reference is made to its healing properties, such as the healing of ulcers, the treatment of diarrhea or to combat weakness. Many of the recipes of the ancient Romans are part of today's Mediterranean cuisine.
Photos: Fotolia - Mercedes Fittipaldi / Sergio Martínez
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