Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The word offerer It is a term that although it does not present a daily use in our language, it is the one that we do or do use when we want to indicate that individual who displays the action of offering something.
Meanwhile, in the religious sphere is one of the contexts in which the term is most used, precisely, to account for one who offers a religious offering. An offering will be the gift that the offerer gives to his god or to a holiness with the mission of effectively fulfilling a promise or to ask for something that he needs and wants to be fulfilled.
Although the offering often involves the delivery of an object material, it, at the same time, expresses a purely spiritual question, an act of love Y affected God, or a saint, for always giving his support for, help and protection.
It should be noted that the offering is a practice that has been unfolding in the world for thousands of years, although, with time and evolution, the object of the gift has been changing, since in ancient times it was extremely common and common for humans and animals to be killed to offer them to the divinity in question. This action had a special reason since it was believed that by giving the god something valuable, such as the life of a person, you could obtain what you longed for.
At masses, on the altars of the saints and in the vicinity of the graves of some person recognized who died, are some of the places where bidders most commonly leave their Offerings.
And on the other hand, in the scope of economyand more precisely from the offer, the offeror is the one individual, entity, which is in charge of formulating an offer. The offer will be the amount of products, goods, services, that are offered in a market at a certain value.
Issues in Offeror