Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
It is designated with the term of invitation to the act through which it will be communicated to a person, entity, group, association or company to attend an act or event organized and convened by us. These events or acts include those encounters that have a reason professional like being a business lunch, a reception by the launch of a new product or service, among others or they may have a more personal reason such as a baptism, a communion, a birthday party, a wedding, among others.
According to the importance of the event, reason from announcement of the invitation, it may be made through different means and with different degrees of formality, for example, from a very informal telephone call advising of the realization from the baptism of a child, to the same invitation but more formally convened by means of an email or very formally through a personalized letter.
The invitation as a condition without equanom must yes or yes be summoned by your host or your hosts directly to the guest or to each of the guests and they must also answer yes or yes by yes or for the no, but never not answer it or ignore it because such attitude will be understood and interpreted as a lack of education and courtesy.
In the invitation, whatever form it has adopted, letter, email, etc., it must contain some specifications such as motivation of the same, time, date, place of realization and in case of a very formal event indicate the type of attire to wear, the most common being: informal, sporty, formal dress, morning suit, uniform, black tie, which implies tuxedos for men and a long dress or cocktail suit for women and a white tie, which implies a tailcoat for men and a long dress for women.
The most formal wedding invitations, for example, are first printed with the parents of the bride and groom who are the ones who summon the same, then the names and surnames of the contracting parties will appear and then, in a less prominent place, the date and place indications of the event.
They usually go in envelopes with the recipient's name written by hand. In addition, this type of invitation is usually accompanied by the card of the establishments in which the wedding list has been made.
Invitation Topics