Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2008
An entrepreneur is a person who knows how to discover, identify a chance specific business and then he will arrange or obtain the resources necessary to start it and more then to bring it to fruition. Generally, this term is applied to designate people who out of nowhere, only, with the capital of the idea, manage to create or found a company or help another to do so.
Although there is no specific definition of the term, characteristics such as the flexibility, dynamism, creativity, orientation towards adventure and risk, they serve to describe very well the profile what the entrepreneur will observe.
Many, surely, will believe that this entrepreneurial concept is a relatively new concept, however, this is not the case, but because of the On the contrary, the concept arose approximately at the beginning of the 16th century with the objective and rationale of naming those adventurers who traveled to the New World in search and hunt for new opportunities, not knowing very well what they would find when were in the
goal. Also, people involved with military expeditions were often referred to as entrepreneurs. Then, already in the 18th century, the French took over the term because they used it a lot to designate those who were dedicated to the building, like being the architects.It was not until the middle of the 18th century that the French writer Richard Cantillion applied it with the economic sense that today holds the term throughout the world: to refer to those entrepreneurs who risk everything for everything for a idea.
From what we have been commenting on the term, it follows that what makes a person an entrepreneur in addition to identifying a specific business opportunity / expedition and not being afraid of uncertainty that surrounds and primarily characterizes it.
Obviously, in the economic context in which we live today, there are no longer an abundance of expeditionaries eager to find riches and adventures in some virgin. continentTherefore, people who have this entrepreneurial profile tend to be more focused on the function or activity of an economic nature, For example, they may be responsible for giving life to most of the SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) that exist in the world.
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