Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
An alteration genetics that radically changes the characteristics of the living being that suffers it
At the request of Genetics and Biology, a mutation is the alteration or change that occurs in the genetic information of a being alive and by which a change in the characteristics that it observed until the moment in which said said mutation. A mutation always occurs suddenly and spontaneously and can be passed on or inherited to offspring. The genetic unit plausible to undergo the mutation is the gene, which is the unit of hereditary information that makes up part of the DNA of a living being.
Generation of diseases but also evolutions
In the case of multicellular beings, mutations can only be inherited if they affect reproductive cells. Although mutations can have clearly detrimental effects on the health and life of those who suffer from it, such as the development of some disease genetics, In the long term, they may turn out to be essential for some species to survive, since without changes there is no possibility or place for evolution.
Main types of mutations
According to the type of consequences they produce, there are different types of mutations ...Morphological mutation, affects the body distribution of the individual, modifying the color or shape of any organ. Lethal and deleterious mutation, is one that affects the survival of individuals, since either it can cause death before reaching sexual maturity or decrease the ability to survive or reproduction.
On your side, conditional mutation is the one that only presents the phenotype mutant under certain environmental conditions. Biochemistry or nutrition, produces an alteration or loss precisely in some biochemical function; that of loss of function, when just a function disappears and the inverse, from gain of a function, when the change in DNA causes a new function to the gene, generating a new phenotype.
Mutation as change in use colloquial of the word
Meanwhile, in its most general and wide use we can say that mutation implies any change, transformation, evolution, conversion or metamorphosis that an individual undergoes in his life or a thing. We must also emphasize that this word is widely used at the behest of colloquial language to refer precisely to those important changes that are observed in someone. "The physical mutation of your cousin is certainly incredible, from one hundred to sixty kilos, quite a record."
People are always mutating, it is undoubtedly a typically human characteristic to change, transform. Most of the time it is growth, natural development that leads a person to produce changes or transformations in your life and at other times it is the situation you are going through that drives you to change and mutate.
So, the concept that concerns us is widely used as a synonym for change, either on the physical plane or on the emotional level, of feelings. As we have already pointed out, individuals usually go through stages of mutation of our feelings, our ideas. Meanwhile, they tend to develop with greater virulence when life seems stagnant, with no progress anywhere.
So, mutation, change, is essential to generate new ideas and perspectives on life.
The personal and professional levels are those that are especially affected by this type of mutation that we were talking about. When a job, a profession, does not make us happy, it enslaves us to the point of abuse, then, it is necessary to mutate to other sides. The same occurs with personal relationships that do not allow progress or that are toxic because they directly hurt feelings.