Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The word internment refers to result of the action of interning an individual in a health center, sanatorium, or hospital, as a consequence of suffering from any ailment or disease, to receive specific medical treatment due to it, or failing that, after the succession of an accident that complicates the state of health of an individual, the admission of the same to one of these centers is demanded, so that he attends in his case.
Time that a person spends in a sanatorium or hospital to be treated for a disease, illness, or to undergo surgery
On the other hand, in one of its uses, the term intern refers to the admission to a center or institution doctor for treatment, meanwhile, hospitalization includes the length of time an individual remains hospitalized. “During his hospitalization, they performed different analyzes that allowed to know the causes of his long ailment.”
Home hospitalization: when and how it is carried out
The hospitalization is normally carried out in a hospital or health center destined for this purpose, although, it is also common that depending on whether the case warrants it, the doctor indicates a
home hospitalization, that is, instead of being carried out in the setting of a hospital, it is carried out in the home of the patient, for which the necessary elements must be provided, as well as the control by a doctor and nurse to follow the evolution and the needs of the patient.In other words, in home hospitalization, the hospital is set up at home, the room in which the patient will be admitted is specially conditioned. patient and will be supplied with all the necessary technological equipment to follow his evolution and also for his treatment according.
As we said, in the hospitalization at a private home, the doctor must follow the treatment and the evolution of the patient in situ, attending every day or According to the demands, and in addition, nurses will be left as a consignment, who will change the post, so that the patient is never left alone without special care.
The methodology and the functioning The care will not vary at all from that of a sanatorium, only the space is modified.
We must purposely say that this type of hospitalization will be indicated in special cases and under strict medical monitoring, and after the equipment requirements of the room in the house where the patient will reside have been met.
In the case of traditional hospitalization in a medical center, it will last for the time indicated by the doctor and will depend of course on the state, evolution and practices that have to be performed on the patient internship.
It should be noted that hospitalization can be scheduled as a result of a general medical check-up, or for the performance of a pre-established surgery, or failing that, it can be triggered after suffering an accident or some disease.
Surgeries, the main causes of hospitalization
Surgeries or surgical interventions are the most common causes of hospitalizations for people.
Surgery is one of the many branches into which medicine is subdivided and which deals exclusively with curing diseases through the practice of an operation, for example, a malignant tumor is found in some part of the body of a patient, then, it will be removed by means of this practice.
Also, a patient can undergo surgery to improve some aspect of her body, that is, for mere aesthetics and not due to the suffering of any specific ailment, such is the method of surgery plastic.
In any case, when a patient must be admitted to undergo surgery, he must show up a few hours before it, at the stipulated health center, with a companion, a familiar or friend, preferably, who should wait for the operation in question to finish.
Once the surgeon finishes operating it, he will notify the family member and tell him how everything went and the care that should be taken. implement after surgery, in addition to indicating the days that the patient will remain hospitalized.
When the intervention It is simple the hospitalization can last a day or hours just, while, if it is a complex surgery, the length of stay will depend on the evolution of the patient.
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