Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Abr. 2010
When you talk about luxury you are referring to something exclusive. A luxury is something that most people cannot access either because it is too expensive, because it is something that occurs rarely in life, or because they are special and rare opportunities that a few can to take advantage of.
Typically, the term luxury is associated with a lifestyle or consumption which implies that everything has to be exclusive, expensive and extremely unique, which is why it becomes more special.
Characteristics of the luxurious lifestyle
A luxurious lifestyle is a lifestyle that is characterized by being determined by the consumption of very high-ranking products and brands. Generally, extremely spacious and exquisite homes in terms of decoration or with an excellent location, late-model cars, different technological devices, works of art, pieces of clothing or accessories brand or exclusive designers, access to travel and transport exclusive are some of the elements that make a luxurious lifestyle, one that only a very small part of the
population world can enjoy.The intimate relationship with exclusivity
In this sense, one of the characteristics that make luxury is the fact of its exclusivity. This means that luxury is a benefit that establishes social status and that differentiates the various groups in society according to the lifestyle they lead or the type of products they consume. However, today the growth of important and massive consumer markets has made brands and products that were previously considered unattainable and luxurious to most of the population, establish more accessible versions of their exclusive products, replicas and promotions that allow access to objects or services of very good quality at much lower prices.
Abundance of things and riches
On the other hand, the concept is used to refer to the abundance of things, of riches that exceed what is necessary that any human being needs to live.
We must say that people do not need too many things to live calm and comfortable, a house, a sum of money that allows him to satisfy his basic needs such as eating, dressing, studying, accessing his Health. Now, there are people whose economic possibilities allow them to have that and much more and there we could talk about luxuries.
An individual who hires a chauffeur to take him from one side of the city to another can be perceived as a luxury, because of course, it is not a basic need, people can take public transport, drive a car and thus get to where we need to, now, paying someone to transfer us is a luxury that obviously not everyone can afford, especially those who do not have the economic resources enough.
As we already saw great traits lines above, luxury is closely related to money. Millionaires tend to live surrounded by luxury because they can buy and buy comforts without limits. Luxury is bought and we must make that clear.
From the opposite sidewalk there are those people who have an average and basic salary a month and then they will be able to satisfy their needs mostly but not live in luxury.
Tastes that we can give ourselves and are not linked to the expensive and the exclusive
Now, we must clarify that the concept of luxury is also used to designate those tastes that we give ourselves people at some point in our lives that we need and that we want, usually to relax. For example, going for a coffee with a muffin can be the luxury that a person who loves coffee gives himself once a week, obviously, it is not about buying a Ferrari or a very expensive jewel, but the object and purpose is the same, to indulge yourself, to the extent of your possibilities, and most importantly, acquiring what you most enjoy.
Luxury Themes