Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2010
The word Titan can be used either as a noun or as an adjective, referring in both cases to colossal characters not only in terms of size but also in terms of force and power. In many cases, the name Titan is applied to natural elements (such as the moon or satelite of the planet Saturn that bears the same name due to its size) and to people or animals precisely for complying with those previously mentioned characteristics.
The notion of titan comes mainly from Greek mythology. According to what we know of her, the Titans were gods who ruled the Earth or, rather, the existence in the golden age, more specifically located by historians in the latter part of the 6th century and during the 7th century before Christ. This golden age is considered one of the times of greatest harmony, peace and stability in the world known to the Greeks, followed by stages such as the silver age, that of bronze and the iron one, each worse than the last in terms of conflicts, wars and various problems.
The gods who were known as Titans at this time were only twelve: Ocean, Ceo, Hyperion, Cronos, Iapetus and Crio (all male gods) and Phoebe, Tea, Themis, Tethys, Mnemosyne and Rea (all goddesses or also known as titanides). These twelve gods were the ones who ruled the universe and each one of them excelled in something (in the intelligence, in the domain of time, of the seas, of sight, of fire, of memory, etc). These first twelve gods or titans gave rise to a second generation of titans among which we find Lete and Asteria, Hestia, Helios, Selene, Océanidas, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus (perhaps the two best known of all) among others. All of these second generation gods arose from the union of two of the first generation gods.
Themes on Titan