Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2010
The ticket is an item of common use in different situations that normally has a Format medium to small and is relatively durable, although in some cases less than others. The ticket is printed or made with a specific and main function: to allow access to individuals to certain spaces. This is invariable regardless of what types about tickets let's talk: bus tickets, tickets to enter a concert, etc. Another function that the ticket can also fulfill is to serve as proof before a pay performed by a certain service or product.
The ticket can fulfill different functions depending on the specific situation in which it is used. One of the most common types of tickets is the one you get when you want to travel in some type of transport and a pre-specified cost is paid. This ticket is common for all passengers and can be had before making the trip (especially when it comes to long trips distance that can be purchased or reserved with anticipation, for example a flight of
airplane) or at the time of the trip (for example, in the case of short-distance trips such as buses, trains or other means of intra-urban transport)Tickets can also be the proof that one has to to access to certain shows such as shows, sporting events, parties and many others. These tickets are also usually had in advance, at the moment in which the person agrees to buy or reserve their place. In general, these tickets are usually more colorful or durable than the transport tickets.
Every ticket must always include the precise information to clarify what type of service or product is being purchased with it. Thus, the tickets usually include information such as the moment in which the service is or will be enjoyed, the location, the price, the company that brings such service to cape, etc.
Themes in Ticket