Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2018
The philosophy, science and religion are three ways of knowledge that give different answers to human concerns. In the case of theosophy we are faced with a discipline that encompasses these three types of knowledge.
The remote origins of this discipline are found in medieval Platonism
The term theosophy literally means "wisdom of God." This word began to be used among some Platonic philosophers of the Middle Ages. In this context, the theosophist is the person who knows reality because he is inspired by God.
While theology studies the divine from a rational point of view, theosophy has an intuitive foundation.
Theosophical societies hold that their goal is the brotherhood of human beings
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) is considered the founder of this discipline in the current version of it. The thesis The main principle of theosophy affirms that all religions share a common essence, a primal truth. Therefore, this current is an eclectic synthesis of different religious movements, mainly Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.
As a complement to these religious doctrines, an occult dimension of an esoteric type is incorporated, as well as some scientific principles (for example, the geometry it would not simply be a mathematical tool but incorporates a divine dimension).
It is affirmed that all human knowledge must be regrouped in a harmonious way, since the Universe is one and everything that is integrated in it constitutes a unit. The different forms of knowledge should be unified in a single divine wisdom. For theosophists, if reality is one, it does not make sense that we handle philosophical, religious and scientific criteria as if they were disconnected spheres.
Like other theoretical approaches, this one has a practical dimension.Thus, theosophy must promote the altruism and one Value scale oriented to harmonious life on the planet.
For the proselytes of this doctrine, the human soul is connected to the principles of the universe. When man physically dies, his soul rejoins the universe.
In the movement Theosophical affirms that each individual can understand the essence of God through the spiritual development of him.
Theosophical societies are considered esoteric movements or directly sects
These entities began to form at the end of the 19th century and since then they have not stopped expanding around the world. Some of its most characteristic symbols are the interlocking triangles, the Ankh and the swastika (the first is a symbol of Norse paganism, the second belongs to the iconography of Ancient Egypt and the third is a symbol of the buddhism).
The different organizations related to this discipline have connections with esotericism, freemasonry and spiritism.
Photo: Fotolia - Konstan
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