Definition of Philadelphia Experiment
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2019
The assumption experiment Philadelphia took place on August 12, 1943 aboard a boat of the US Navy, the USS Eldridge. It should be noted that this was not the original name of the operation, since in official documents it was called Project Rainbow.
A myth of war
In a context of war like the one the United States experienced during those years, the appearance of hoaxes, lies or myths is always more recurrent than usual. It is in this context that the episode of the Philadelphia Experiment must be framed.
According to the story, the US Army was after the search for the technology that would allow them to make their ships invisible. In those years the American navy was overtaken by innovative German technology in relation to its submarines. In this sense, the German submarines were virtually undetectable and consequently wreaked havoc on enemy destroyers. Faced with this situation, the American army decided to summon the best scientists of the time in order to counteract the technology of the Nazis.
The unified field theory developed by the physicist Albert Einstein combined the force of gravity with other electromagnetic forces and this theoretical approach constituted the central nucleus of the experiment Philadelphia
Thus, in 1943 the destroyer USS Eldridge put into March a new technology and according to some accounts a great halo of light covered the ship completely, then it was invisible and finally it was teleported 800 meters from distance.
Those who believe in veracity of this story not only support the invisibility of the warship and the consequent teleportation, but also claim that some crew members merged with objects and with parts of the ship's structure. Those who maintain this type of version also say that the episode changed their lives.
The other side of the myth
Skeptics teach us the other side of the coin. They consider that the defenders of this story never provided conclusive evidence demonstrating their authenticity. In this sense, the testimonies of some members of the crew deny the version of the invisibility and the teleportation of the ship.
According to most investigations, the creator of the hoax was an individual named Carl Allen, who claimed that he witnessed the strange phenomenon when he was on a ship near the USS Aldridge.
Photo Fotolia: Dukesn
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