Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2013
The labor is a group politics English that is characterized by promoting a ideology leftist and reformist, the working class being its motor and social base of struggle.
The origin of movement Labor dates back to mid 19th century when the British trade union movements became concrete and started fighting for workers' rights. Towards the end of the 19th century, Labor will undergo an acceleration in its Marxist imprint and as a consequence it will moderate its proposal, its primary objectives being no longer the revolution of the workers, but the fight in favor of the social justice and the best salary conditions.
In the early years of the twentieth century, Labor will approach the government so that in this way, aligning, to be able to get better perspectives on the aforementioned issues.
But of course, the objective of Labor was also to occupy an executive role in the British state in order to affirm its basic doctrine. In the so-called interwar period, that is, between the
World War I and II, Labor will briefly come to power in the figure of Labor James Ramsay MacDonaldmeanwhile, it will only be after the Second World War that the party achieve stability in power through the leader Clement Richard Attlee.In the elections of 1945 he defeated Winston churchill and it becomes British Prime Minister. Her management was key when it came to establishment of the call welfare state, from which medical assistance became universal and free, guaranteeing the citizen English social protection from the very moment of his birth until his death.
For such facts, Attlee, is considered one of the most notable prime ministers in English political history and also one of the most beloved by the English people.
It should be noted that during the eighties and the beginning of the nineties, when the conservative party governed by the hand of Margaret Thatcher, Labor, was relegated, and by case, several of its priorities were affected, among them, the elimination of union power.
In 1997, with the triumph of Tony blair, Labor would be first again force for a decade.
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