Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
At the behest of the Western Astrology, Leo is he fifth sign of the zodiac and to him belong those people who were born between July 22 and August 22; It is a fixed and masculine sign and that according to astrologers it corresponds to the element fire. It is considered the opposite and complementary to the zodiac sign Aquarius.
The sign of Leo is ruled by the sun, that is, the ruling planet is the sun, the symbol that represents it is the lion, whose image represents issues such as: courage, dignity, force Y affected.
There are some authors who link the symbol of the sign with that of the nemean lion who was killed by Hercules and raised by Zeus to the heavens in honor of the first.
As with all the signs of the zodiac, Leo also has a priori delineated certain characteristics that are the ones that will mostly lead to the natives of this sign to act in a certain way and that is why among those who were born under the rule of this sign we can more or less find the same conditions in the character.
Those born under the sign of Leo tend to act with frankness and head-on, they also have a consolidated safety in themselves that will lead them to stand out from the average with great ease. It is recurring that in the area in which they are always the group leaders to which they belong.
On the other hand, the intensity they present is such that it will lead them to live life intensely and to manifest in this way the emotions Y feelings that they feel. With those around them they are usually very generous, sharing their achievements. Meanwhile, there is something that tarnishes Leo's brilliance and that is his huge ego, which will make them upset very easily when someone contradicts them, lasting the anger for a long time.
On the other hand, Leo, is the name given to the constellation zodiacal that is currently in front and a little to the east of the sign of Leo, between the signs of Cancer and Virgo.
Leo is one of the best known constellations; Leo contains many bright stars highlighting the star systems of Regulo and Algieba. Also, this constellation presents many bright galaxies, among which stand out M65, M66.