Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2010
The notion of limbo is a notion that is present in almost all religions and that makes reference to to that space in which the dead gather before being judged and sent to Heaven or Hell. The presence of the limbus is especially important on the tradition Judeo-Christian since for her life in the hereafter depends precisely on the final judgment that is carried out in a divine way about the soul of a person, about her actions in life and their consequences for the eternity.
Limbo, as this space of passage between life and death, is always described and imaginatively understood as a nebulous space, where the life of quality not even happiness since it is in an undefined state. The term limbo comes from the Latin limbus that does not mean more than edge, edge, referring to the edge or limit between the real world and the world of heaven or hell. Hence, this idea comes from the phrase "being in limbo" in relation to a person being distracted or lost in thoughts of another nature.
There are different types of limbos according to the Christian tradition, intended for different types of individuals. The Limbo of the Patriarchs is one that is destined for all those who have lived baptized and who must for so much to be judged by God after they have died in order to know if they can finally enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. At the same time, there is the limbo of Kids or Infants, which can only be accessed by children or infants who have died before committing some type of sin but who have not done so in time to be baptized according to the doctrine of the church.
Normally, each religion develops his own concept of limbo. However, something that remains is the idea that limbo is the liberating portal for all those who in life have been good and agreeable to different religious conceptions.
Themes in Limbo