Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2012
The word release is frequently used in our language, on the one hand, it designates the act of releasing something or someone who was in a situation of confinement or prison, then, with the action of liberation it will be effectively made available to you and you will enjoy your freedom.
Release someone or something
Meanwhile, freedom turns out to be that faculty, capacity that we human beings or another entity enjoy, to act according to our own will and desires.
Freedom: Fundamental right of the people that allow them to choose without pressure or coercion
Then, whoever has freedom is not under any type of pressure or impediment to act on his own inclinations and so he is totally free to choose or reject this or that option.
Freedom is nothing other than the ability that someone has to make a decision per se, without anyone imposing nothing, he takes it and chooses because he wants it, and because he considers according to his experience and values that it is the best option; no one will have right to restrict or question the decision made.
Although freedom seems to be an issue that we all have at our disposal today, it is not so, in many contexts and places. it is still the reason for claims, demonstrations and the struggle of many people and minorities who fight precisely to have a voice own.
For example, it is that freedom is considered one of the most important and essential values of Western society.
In its initial approach it has been the philosophy which analyzed and gave impetus to this concept, while over time it will be included in other areas such as politics, the economy, the social organization.
In the economy, freedom will imply that each economic agent has the freedom to produce what wants and in the way it deems most convenient, a question that is opposed to the interventionism of the condition.
Meanwhile, in politics, freedom is appreciated in the possibility of each citizen to cast his vote in favor of those representatives that he considers most suitable and who agree with his ideas.
The right to liberty is recognized by all the constitutions that uphold a democratic system of government, although, It is worth noting that there are today some totalitarian regimes that hide behind a presumed democratic system that establishes the Constitution, such is the case of Venezuela, but in effect freedom is limited to all citizens and exists on the part of the been a coercion and a curtailment of freedom on all those who manifest themselves against his proposal politics.
In the specific case of Venezuela, the regime of Nicolás Maduro has imposed in recent months a regime autocratic and terror, which imprisons opponents and sows horror in the streets with attacks and murders of civilians.
On the contrary, whoever is under coercion of some kind, will not be able to move completely freely and according to his decisions, unless he has place liberation that what it does is precisely put a limit, an end point, to the limitation experienced, obtaining freedom again to act of which all individuals should be possessors from the very moment of birth, since it is a human right fundamental.
It should be noted that the concepts of freedom and liberation can also be used in relation to a institution, system or organization.
On the other hand, the word liberation has flaunted in Europe after completion of conflict warlike known as Second World War a very special meaning, since it was used to name the end of the war and the consequent recovery of freedom by the allied forces of those nations and regions that had been opportunely invaded by the Nazism and his allies.
Cancellation of a mortgage
The other use of the word liberation allows to refer to the cancellation of a mortgage and lien on real estate.
Thus, once an individual or company carries out the release of its debt, it will be free of it and once again at the disposal of the asset that was affected.
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