Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
The concept that concerns us in this review It is widely used in our language, it can be used in different contexts, although all its references are linked to the teaching or learning Of something.
Act by which one person teaches another something, be it educational content or of any kind
The lesson is an act by which one person teaches some type of data or information and another person receives and learns that information that before did not possess or did not know, we could exemplify it with the typical teaching that a teacher gives to a student during a class.
"The history teacher took the lesson from us and the truth was that it did not go very well because she had not studied the content."
The lesson is undoubtedly an educational and communicative act since it can never happen if it does not have two parts: the one that teaches and the one that learns. Although the concept of lesson is deeply related to school practice and the field of school, the truth is that people can give and receive lessons at any time and place, formally or informally and on the most varied issues in life.
A lesson can be described as the action of imparting some type of teaching from one individual to another (here it is interesting to clarify that both humans and animals have the ability to learn lessons). The lesson tends to have specific characteristics of each situation, although generally they have as traits the finite duration (that is, a lesson cannot last forever), the need for material or specific information to be learned, carried out in environments especially suited to the needs, etc.
When we talk about the school or educational environment, the lessons are part of a type of formal education. This means that these lessons are previously designed, organized and developed according to a specific system that must be respected.
Unlike this, the lessons that are given outside of that scope, for example the lesson that a father can teach her son, are part of a type of education informal that is done spontaneously and without anticipation, if not given on the fly or according to the moments in which the need arises.
One of the more conventional examples of this type is when, for example, a father explains to his son that he should not yell when they attend a public place, for example, a clinic, because with this behavior you will be annoying the people present there who normally feel some ailment, and of course the screams are certainly annoying and also do not correspond to a child educated.
If when they return to the same place the child no longer exhibits that erratic behavior that we describe in screaming and misbehaving, then we can say that he learned the lesson his father gave him opportunely.
Now, children can also sometimes give life lessons to their parents, which is why before we spoke that the lessons can be given from anywhere and in any context.
A son who shows his father that he had an unfortunate behavior with a neighbor and that it does not correspond and explains that in those cases he must be more tolerant because he is an older person who may not be well Health.
That is also a lesson.
The goal is for someone to learn something that he does not know
The lessons are always aimed at allowing the learner to receive information that she did not possess or for now that she did not know appropriately.
The main idea that a lesson proposes should not be to challenge or mistreat anyone, the objective is to teach who corresponds that what he did or wants to do does not correspond and is shown an alternative path that is the correspondent.
You can never, ever get a good learning out of someone if they are harassed or mistreated.
Lesson Topics